Friday, 21 October 2011

Magical Power

Did you know that in some cultures, the power to bless and curse is only believed to reside in witches? It is my belief that everyone carries these powers. That doesn't make everyone witches, but it does make everyone powerful and part of a spiritual reality. Life is characterised by power, and by change. We must match the power of Life with our own self-esteem: only when we cultivate grandeur that matches Life can we hope to be at peace with Life in this world, and hope to go on living effectively and with strength. In a position of strength, we cannot easily be overpowered or intimidated.
Well-being is in an attitude of strength, and well-being is in practices that bring strength - like prayer, meditation and communion with Nature or like-minded spiritual believers. Well-being is also in unity consciousness and good, kind moral deeds. Or it may be in therapies or medicinal intervention.

I believe that it must be that the sensitivity to magical power, and degrees of magical powerfulness itself must vary in all people. Thus some can bless or curse, and some can be more sensitive to it than others. But at any rate, there is nothing to fear. Even if you are sure that you are affected by a person or spirit's negative will, there is nothing to fear.

The English writer of some few hundred years ago called Dr Johnson once criticised those who "discourse like angels, but live like men", that is, he expects us to "walk our talk". I am conscious here that I speak of my understanding - and that integrating my understanding is an ongoing process. It is enough to understand the benefits of feeling big in power, (matching Life's great grandeur) and to remember that feeling from time to time. If I had already completed this awareness in myself, I would no longer suffer from the mischief and malice of spirit people! Make yourself 'huge' to match the huge life issue, whatever it may be.

Good luck to all of you, readers - but maybe you make your own good luck? ;)

Kudos to you: Respect and Honour To Those Enduring Spiritual Warfare

If you are here on this weblog looking for information to help you with your life and your health and your relation to the world of spirit, including information about clear hearing and sensing of spirits' voices or mental influence, then I salute you. Kudos to you. I take my hat off to you. You have likely faced difficulty alone and unguided, developing your strength in spiritual warfare with beings whose strength is superior to yours. You are not living a normal life and it may have been so for some years (circa 12 years for me / adulthood). I realise that when we face unusual obstacles, we become somewhat superhuman, it brings out the best in us, hidden qualities of strength and wisdom. We may lose our definition of normal along the way, but we find our real selves. Well don't feel so alone, right now, because I'm hailing you; I'm hailing your strength and goodness.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Low Level Spirits

Excuse me, I'm in a writing mood. I saw in my blog stats that someone had come to the blog wishing to know more about low level spirits, so I thought I'd sum up my experience of them.

Some of them are as nasty as can be. Maximally violent, and serious in their desire to cause harm. Again there may be those who are as hostile as can be who are acting to gratify themselves, taking pleasure in harm. Others act out of a strange and unfeeling sense of humorous mischief - they make fun from causing irritation and injury, not feeling how harmful they are being. Others still may act as if through a sense of grudge or prejudice.

My opinion is that, once we die there is only one way for us to go, and that is into a sense of unity with all of Life, with God. The opposite of that awareness is egotism, with all that means, all its self-serving desire and intent.  These spirits are like outlaws, and I know well how strange their thinking can be and how cruel they can be, all the way to being 'evil'.

They avoid unity consciousness, and so act to please themselves. They are low in empathy, or have no empathy, and no remorse. They are hard to understand.

But the fact is, there are people like this on Earth, too. They are the vandals and thugs, the people that society and civilisation are most afraid of and lock up in prisons. Maybe the ones I encounter, and that you, reader may be encountering, are such ones who pass through life being unkind and unloved and die unhappy, hating (avoiding) God through a sense of discontent, and inflicting injuries on those apparently not like them (the loving people on Earth).

Although they seem hard to understand, still I believe that there has to be a reason for the way they behave. It must be that they can be healed, though perhaps healed only by God, some of them. Perhaps we can help them evolve by giving them healing love at the 'weak' point in their psychology, their sense of discontent or feeling that life is unfair. Sometimes we feel that life is unfair and close out hearts to love - perhaps that is why they turn their back on God and Heaven.

I believe that God loves all souls (just as we are all Divinely related to God), so I wish to bless all souls as well. There are no monsters to God. Maybe the will to bless and love - our kindness - is the biggest difference between us and the so-called low level spirits. Here's the hope, though: that Life is change, everything is in a state of flux, and that all beings are continually evolving - must evolve, and consequently are finding their way back to the Light.

PS How do I know about low level spirits? Through them focusing on me. Through eleven years of frequent and daily interaction with them. I feel their power of will influencing my thoughts to force them into painful or malicious channels, and I hear their abusive or rude language.
This all began following a complex situation of cannabis use, psychic opening, depression - and a classic drug induced psychosis.
I also know friendly spirits who visit me daily to help me, and neutral / peaceful 'Earthbound' spirits (ghosts) who stay around me.
I have become strong and have educated myself in spirituality, but am still gaining the strength to re-establish the experience of harmony in my daily life.

We are spiritual pioneers

If you are experiencing spiritual phenomena that others do not recognise, maybe it would help to see yourself as a spiritual pioneer.

There is much awakening at this time in spirituality and through our interactions with the world of spirit.

This is a blog about ill health caused by spirit hostility, and as such I, and maybe you too, are here looking for a solution to this condition. It is largely "uncharted territory", and we are among its pioneers.

It maybe that we are as a race progressing towards a time of knowing when we understand ourselves to be more than just flesh and blood, that we are beings who can have a magical influence on each other, (whether beneficial or otherwise).

We are spiritual pioneers. Good luck!

A Reminder for Life: Be Strong

Not to plagiarise a book I've been reading too heavily, but when you are suffering a kind of injustice, you can take on negative thinking that does not suit your nature.

"I would have a normal life if it wasn't for X"

"If it wasn't for X, I could be happy"

As soon as you blame like this - and I have been very guilty of this, too - you mentally put the power to change your situation into another's hands. They have responsibility to change your life for the better; is that true? On analysis no, we always have the power to change our circumstances for the better.

Me, I would have a job and a mate. I would be strong and happy. If only I had my righful peace, privacy and safety. - Is that true? Am I completely passive in this situation? No. With hope and wise choices and courage, I can change everything.

Just because you are being treated badly, doesn't mean you have to respond by being weakened.

Ghosts, Haunting, Spiritual Attack

Why is that at one point in history we abandoned a belief in spirits acting upon mankind? God became a superstition, and the idea that a person could be haunted was negated. That's by far the mainstream view in my part of the world. My worldview is the same as the old Christians had who wrote the New Testament, that we may be disturbed by spirits - and that we may heal that condition too.

Once upon a time, everyone would have believed in possession and exorcism as a possibility that affected some people. Now, I imagine, there are many people who are not being helped because of this dominant ignorance - I mean, the doctor continues to call you insane, when you are otherwise healthy, because he believes what you are saying is impossible, and no one does anything to help with the grievous irritation that may come from negative spirit attention.

Strangely, I know I may suffer a schizophrenic breakdown again in the future, through stress, for example. When I became schizophrenic originally, something else opened as well, I also became spiritually active and parapsychically sensitive. But there remains for me a core of mental perception unchanged by my medication, and I believe I am otherwise healthy in mind. It's a somewhat blurry region to define. The schizophrenia proper went away, but the apparent spiritual phenomena remained.

So, if anyone asks your beliefs, tell them they are traditional, rather than medical! I believe in the possibility of spirit harassment or possession.

Paranormality and the Psychology of Abuse


What does this mean? It means something is happening that is unusual. Beyond normal.

I had a realisation recently that the word 'paranormal' does not just describe interactions with the spirit world, but it describes my every day experience. Maybe you understand this.

I go shopping, I vote, I go to family gatherings, and I seek to make a positive contribution to the world - but all the time, a percentage of my mental activity is given over to spiritual interactions, of which a portion of those interactions are distressing. Spiritual interactions - and challenging ones. Beyond the cornucopia of experience typical to humanity, I have an added challenge, which I define as paranormal. The challenge I endure, that likely you endure too, reader, is to go on with daily life and fulfil your ordinary human desires while coping with spiritual phenomena that you never anticipated could be possible.

I suppose I realised that my life is extremely challenging, sometimes taking me to the limit of endurance. I have this added dimension of knowing that brings difficulty (and a diagnosis of psychosis or schizophrenia). I realised that I go about a daily life the same as anyone healthy, but I am also extremely 'tested'.

I now identify with anyone exposed to extraordinary life circumstances that change them, that are even too heavy for them.

The difficulty for me is being exposed to psychic hostility frequently and on a daily basis. But I am able to sympathise with others who have been subjected to such influences of aggression that their ordinary psychology has been distorted, and unfairly so. I have insight into the psychology of abuse. As yet, I am still in that world, and cannot speak conclusively on it. But I realise that, all being well, I will master this situation and regain my personal power. I have hope in Life, that all things lead to a positive outcome, so that, with luck, I should escape the influence of the negative upon me and become powerful, able to help others, and happy.

I have attracted the attention of spirits of lesser evolution than me, who have found a weakness in me they exploit, and continually do so to injure my mind. However, this cannot continue forever.

I have been reading that there is always a purpose to what we go through. There must be a purpose to this for me - and you, too, reader, if you are in the same position as me. Coming from a position of disadvantage and injury to a position of power and assertiveness.

So, a post about extraordinary efforts of personal strength, ('paranormal' life challenges) and about evolution into a position of strong personal power. Not just having the strength to pick yourself up and carry on, but the strength to hold your own space and create happiness for yourself. If you are in my situation, I hope you realise how well you have done in sustaining yourself through intense challenge, and I hope you have hope that, all being well, you shall come through it too, just as I hope to.