Manifesto of Steps to Deal with Spiritual Disturbance

A better term than haunting is "spiritual disturbance". I am writing this advice for you if you are in the same position as I have known. It is a voice of experience sharing approaches of personally proven value, though I am not myself yet clear of spiritual disturbance. This is as much as I can share right now, and from my heart. In writing this I am honouring a spiritual view of voices audible in the mind being clairaudience of telepathic messages from the spirit world. I am writing about ways of dealing with what is called by alternative health sources a rare situation of spirit intrusion, when intelligent and powerful spirit parts of deceased people come into the part of the self that is the personal creative space enclosure that is the human "aura".

Step One 
Don't befriend the speaking entities
If you believe you are really and truly talking to ghosts in your mind that are staying local to you in your aura space, resident with you, which in the vast majority of cases you don't consciously invite or approve of, don't befriend them. It's the last thing you wish to do for them to strengthen any emotional attachment to Earth and addiction to Earth life. Be a friend to their higher good if you can, hold good will for them like God does, but I recommend never being a "friendly friend" to them. You can be gracious, but you must meet them firmly. They are feeding from your own life force when they don't have to and going against a number of spiritual laws. Also, for many reasons, it is likely that they are not going to be a friend to you, and their goal may primarily be just to survive and avoid God and responsibility out of fear. They are there to take advantage of conditions they mistakenly believe they need for life. It does not serve to be personally friendly with them in thought, word or deed, when their rightful place is far away from Earth and its people, they belong with the intelligent Light of Lights that is God in the higher spirit world going on with their lives. Do what you have to to get them out of your personal space and to protect yourself from them. It's the same rule you follow in the company of a hungry tiger. Recognise the ghost entities for what they are and be aware. There are better friends out there to know. 

Step Two
Ignore the speaking entities
This step is similar to the first step. It is borrowed from a really helpful teaching found on the website on a page called "Thought forms and dark entities: how to get rid of them". This teaches that when there are ghosts attaching to a person and speaking to their mind, the effect is like OCD and the proper treatment response is similar. Acknowledge the extra sensory perception for what it is and do nothing in response but ignore it, and then the attached souls will usually fall away and drift off for want of attention.  
This can be done. I find that my attachments have been quite deeply imbedded, hard to avoid conversing with mentally. I have recently been benefiting from repeating "Not worthy. Not worthy. Not worthy of my holy attention." as a way of unhooking myself from any arguments with them over low words. Not everything that goes through a person's mind is worth paying attention to, and even more so for someone with unhappy, unfriendly, frightened or lonely spirits talking to their mind. Again, their home is not with mortals, and your time on Earth living in health is very dear: help God by doing what you can to shake them off. Acknowledge perceptions and ignore them as far as humanly possible.

Step Three 
Be assertive of your rights
Most resident souls I think have understanding that they have died. These discarnate human spirit beings may not be fully lucid. It helps to remember that they are basically afraid and confused and upset. They may not always appreciate that you are real, similar to how we being schooled in scientific thinking doubt them. However, these souls, in my experience are often exploiting and abusing human beings with some understanding of what they are doing with them. You have to have appreciation for your spiritual rights, that are on a similar or higher wavelength of a solemn oath made with God. To move them out you must have faith in your rights stronger than their mass beliefs in their spirit world about their superiority to Earth people and any ideas they have justifying disrespectful treatment - which they formulate and hold as an attempt at understanding their strange situation. Your spiritual integrity as a single and private and free being is sacrosanct, you must affirm and assert this as far as humanly possible. Know and believe that you are a free being with power and holy rights with God. It is way, way, way far off Divine intention that you are suffering any sentient spiritual intrusion. It's just not meant to be, though in the free will universe it can occur as a transient state.  It is from the discarnate souls' dependent will and their poor understanding of their condition, it does not reflect universal order and Divine will, and as such it cannot abide. It may also be summoned by a place within the self inviting transformation and healing. Have faith that this Life state of undesirable community can fall away from you.  

Step Four
Live for others and the greater good
It seems the lower spirit world entities will only be with someone who has somehow a similarity with them, and they can only enter a being who is spiritually very vulnerable in terms of weakened or damaged auric containment, or also enter someone who is at like low vibration as the ones intending to enter. Vulnerability of aura can come about in a number of ways. 
In my experience the lower spirit world inhabitants who are still human souls habitually hold  lower mind qualities that we call meanness, malevolence, anger, unkindness, lower than commonly found on Earth. Now, everyone has a higher and a lower within, that's the way the world is. If you wish to move out of spiritual disturbance there is a path not through fighting whatever adversary presents itself, not in arguing or even offering them good advice, good news or healing, which goodness for me has been a wasted effort and made wasted years: the path is to do what they do not do, what they hate, what they cannot sustain or be around: live for others with a generous heart, love entirely without thought of self. Effort for the good of all.  Remember that everyone can do something for the world that is good with relative ease, that would require God or Heaven to work a major miracle to do, because we are in physical form, whereas those ones are all spirits. We are the hands of God and Heaven and the angels on Earth and can do great things! 
Purify your mind through healing your emotions and changing your way of life so that you are living at the highest level. If like me you've tried healing, you've tried encouraging them to go, take this step, it will transform your life. It's part of the process of spiritual alchemy and it is the meaning of waking up in Earth. Life itself has been called change, so allow yourself to join in! There are others who are also consciously in this process, we are as a 'yeast' of light in the world increasing its spiritual radiance and all good. 

Step Five 
Go your own way with God as your guide
Trust your own heart first in what you are living more than any other. In a predominantly secular culture, with an atheistic scientific perspective, we who hear spirit voices, who are naturally like mediums, go unrecognised and uncelebrated or even dismissed and unnecessarily medicated. Who are you making the authority in your life? Don't hand your body and mind over to another, not even a trained doctor called an expert. Modern Western scientific psychology is only about 140 years old, partially helpful, and incomplete; it is a juvenile science and one-sided, being based strictly in a materialist position.
Some humans of Earth used to think our sun orbited the planet; mass views can be false and change wholesale. I look forward to a time when, for example, Tibetan Buddhist masters are consulted for their expertise generated from many hundreds of years of careful psychological study, or indigenous shamanic healing practitioners of longstanding tradition are asked for advice in psychiatry. I don't think those days are far away. Really though, no one has a monopoly on truth, no one. God speaks to each from a home within every human heart. So, love the God that is manifesting as your doctor, but only be devoted to the truth that the God within you is speaking. We may have reasons to be angry, let's just change the culture instead, and do so in the best way. I stand up for the tradition of spirituality down the ages that gives total credence to the human ability to know more with the mind than the physical senses alone give. Mental voices can be objectively real in origin. 

Step Six
It's okay to let go. 
Know that you are more than you seem to be. You are an indestructible being. Let yourself be more than body-mind self. Be the cloud of your aura, bright and colourful. Be the vision of paradise in your mind that you can be with at will. In truth you are the highest energy that exists in Life, and you go beyond the world in your whole soul and are communing with God. There is something about everyone that exists that is beyond any danger or storm the world brings. That place of being is also only good, only loving. It is not true that you are fallen if you have gone astray and got caught in lower energies, you have had an Earthly setback fully subject to correction and balancing. Who you are is eternally great, good and loved. Perhaps you don't see this in the Life you know, but surely this is truth. First you believe, then you find your way, then you know it all, with all saints and masters since forever and for all time. Where are you? We can know Heaven and live with Heaven on Earth.  

Step Seven
Read, study, learn.  
Education, education, education. If you are reading this you have a taste of something that is beyond the common culture. It may be the universe is asking you to take part in your own healing, when you ask for a change in Life, you yourself may be a medium of that with a part to play.  Go to a spiritualist church and learn to close down psychic awareness or open it at will, find a good book on psychic development. Find a mentor in spiritual knowledge.  Surely if you are hearing voices it is naturally possible that you are awake as a psychic person, and you got that way without any special preparation; psychicness is normal! It is imperative for a person with really strong spiritual sensitivity to gain skills of self-safeguarding and energy management - for example slowing personal growth by closing chakras, or shielding the self with coloured light or mirrored surfaces around the aura. This is a call to wake up to the situation  that is there, because there are ways for you to help yourself, if you know them. In a world where people can be more or less spiritually sensitive, and where there is such a thing as creative subtle influence of mind - where we can affect each other, whether from when we are alive on Earth or afterwards, between lives - it may be important for an individual to combine awareness with skills or shared understanding on how to live in that world. Everyone is in a different 'place' in their experience; if it is meaningful to you to be safe and live in peace and harmony as a psychic, there are ways to do this, and be schooled in it.
After all that though, you may find that emotional healing and opening to love is your central tool for peace.

Step Eight 
Get help 
If you are stuck and in discomfort or afraid, reach out to another person and talk and ask for help as best you can. A friendly and wise priest, a trusted faith healer, an official medical figure, a family member or close friend - talk to someone and seek help. No-one is alone in truth, in truth everyone has friends. There are ways and means to remedy spiritual emergency related to spirit disturbance, whether that be some kind of talking therapy, even helpful medication or asylum refuge, all the way to the intervention of someone who has psychic sensitivity and more strength than you who cares and knows enough and can help. Not everyone called an exorcist is really going to be one (please watch out for dishonest people) - and even true exorcists might not be able to help you because of personal conditions and the readiness of a person to be healed. It makes no sense to stand in a corner like a boxer taking hits long-term, when there is something you can do about it. Do something positive, especially when you would like to be living on a happier path and time is passing. You can't always do everything alone, you have a very good chance if you join forces with another.  And if you don't succeed at first, keep going, keep looking, think cleverly, above all, keep looking for the right person to help you. Persistence is one of THE keys to success on Earth. Don't let the disturbed souls in a 'dream' fighting you and mocking your boundaries be the only ones persisting to act. There are people who know what to do about spiritual disturbance, which they don't do just through a gift of personal strength but by working with allies from higher realms of spirit who are strong and peaceful. Maybe your path is finding such allies, perhaps with training by an existing healer, I don't know. Or it is simply to join in this 'dance' of allowing a group action healing to occur. I believe in spiritual healing, I have known it, and can vouch for it. 

Step Nine 
Keep the faith
I know from their sayings to me that the host of Heaven are always supportive of me in my life in this world. They back us. I know in my heart that there is a greater truth about Life that is good. Call it what you will the intelligence of the Allness, I call it God, Love, Bliss, Friend. I have read that God always wishes you to be your best self in the greatest life story you can imagine for yourself. I have read that there is no cause of suffering in Life, only a cause of joy from the beginning of Creation. These are very old truths and also new truths. Part of being in health is keeping a positive mentality. Everywhere people are proclaiming good news about Life. If you look and listen, you will find a real abundance of good news, of reasons to be joyful. It comforts me to believe in a Higher Power above all others and sustaining all others that is guiding the existence I am in, and it comforts me to have hope in the plan God has for myself and all Life. Faith can be a great support and strength during any period of hardship. God is always calling us to full self-remembrance and knowledge of joy and to love one another.

Step Ten
Chill, baby
 Now it's time to put your philosophical hat on and take off your hat of worry. Your philosophical hat is large and loosely worn, stately, though comfortable. It suits you! (Don't bother with that other one too much.) 
Life challenges are not forever. Neither are they everything, or the point of Life. Life is in who you are when you are not looking at yourself. Life is in the way you feel when you are free from care. Life is asking you NOT TO STARE at the difficult stuff. Life is reminding you of the Essence and giving you a playful dig in the ribs. Look at this! Did you see it? Tell me you noticed the wonder, beauty and perfection of what is going on? You're part of it! You are the million mile wide sun and the billions years old Earth. You are as good as that hero, as fine as that brilliant mind, you are as strong as anyone who has ever lived! You go into every new day with the same luck and blessings as any one who has ever lived! There is a picture of you and it is as sweet as the eternal beauty of the ocean, the forest, the twilight, the smell of fresh air in the early morning, the profound majesty of whale or elephant. Do you get that you are adorable as any wonder of Creation? 
If it can change, it will. Picture your perfect life conditions and hold that. The answer is not always in poring over details trying to fix them within the limitations of all you know. God knows your prayers and what is good for you already, trust that all is working for your great happiness. 
Lastly, slow down. I know what it is to be busy in your mind and outwardly busy too. You can remedy this by taking breaks during the day, and going further than simple and shallow relaxation. Do more than rest in sleep, get conscious rest too - find ways to relax and rest during waking hours, for example through a "meditation" method. Such rest is highly rewarding and will replenish you more than what you ordinarily might consider relaxing (for example TV, chatting, music, intoxicants). If you don't rest you will be weaker; I commend you to pursue a deliberate deep relaxation method during the daytime. Meditation can be exactly like a medicine. Be able to let go of effort, relaxing the will and resting, and do so safely.  

That's all. I am feeding you from my heart's truth. I hope you will find something to digest and be fed by here. 
I am glad to be one voice of many, and many voices have given to me to bring me to this stage; there are yet further views to consider, too. 
I will put this post as a page here on the blog.  I hope that the people who come to this blog benefit from this page if it is relevant to them. I hope these steps give one or many "quantum leaps" in your life, readers! 
There must be more to say - I am not out of the woods yet, but I am sharing with you trustworthy ideas to help you on your way through the temporary life condition that is disturbance of human mind and being through the awareness of human spirits temporarily in lower evolution. For myself, I feel like I have really begun an alchemical process of change recently, I feel hope. I wish every reader hope, happiness and happy awakenings in your Life, in all ways that are best.  

Mr. S.