The drawings below, before "Toy Horse", were all drawn in the first flush of psychosis between 1999 and 2000. "Toy Horse" and the other drawings after it were drawn later, from 2009, after eight years of anti-psychotic medication. The first drawings came on a wave of released unconscious energy, propelling me to draw as I had never done previously, and in a more or less automatic way. The drawings dried up though after about 10 months, I think from a kind of exhaustion, and after that I drew more deliberately, but still in the abstract style I had acquired. I still remember making those first drawings and how I was so excited and very absorbed as I drew. Eagle Sunset was my first drawing on this path.
To me my drawing is something special, because it spontaneously brings onto the page symbolic content from the deeper mind, like an oracle of my humanity. These days as I draw I start to recognise symbols that come in abstract shapes and then I work with them while finishing the drawing. The drawings then function to hold mental or optical illusions.
I hope you like looking at these pictures and can appreciate them.
Eagle Sunset
Magician's Hand
Viking Rainbow Father
Wild Goose
Toy Horse
Blue Crosses
Four Greens
Sine Wave