No complaints. I don't hear complaints from the spirits around me stuck on Earth. Some of them are vituperative, rude. Some are fairly friendly.
If you could listen to my thoughts, you would know that I sometimes complain, and that I wonder what can make up for ten years of mental hardship being psychologically abused from within my mind space.
Some years ago I went to a doctor and asked for pain medicine to ease my mental suffering. "What do you mean, mental pain? Do you mean emotional pain?" He wasn't sure what I meant, and I wish I'd told him that the pain I feel is the same pain that we humans feel when someone insults us or uses rude language towards us. That would have made things clearer.
Mediumistic psychic attack at the conscious level, which must be extremely rare, parallels psychological abuse of all kinds, whether between married people or as a form of interrogation and torture. I have insight into that mental control that can take place as one tries to dominate another, noticing that it might work by "second-guessing" another, for example, or in some way preventing them from being 'assertive' and mentally strong to the extent that they cannot express themselves in ordinary sentences of speech without being contradicted. I go through some pretty major insults and trickery and 'obfuscation', as if they are toying with me (playful malice), but I am lucky in that they do not attempt to take away my power to be assertive. It is more a case of discrediting and insulting me, which is a kind of psychic violence.
Why do words hurt?
Why can words of insult or coarseness cause injury and irritation?
A secondary symptom is that I hear so much that I get comments from Earthbound spirits around me to the effect that I get a sore mind from being exposed to a sense of humour (jokes) that are far from what I feel is good. We are chalk and cheese. Why is it there are so many of these spirits? they all have the same rude sense of humour!, be it sexist, racist, or otherwise plainly excessively mischievous.
The Christian tradition calls such spirits, Earthbound ones, "Spiritus immundus" (singular), impure spirits. They certainly are that in their humour! And that humour 'perfectly' blends into hostile and abusive psychic energy.
I once went to an abbey, and heard a priestly voice say, with pity, "you are unclean". He meant that I am spiritually defiled (and I suppose also contagious) through being subject to mental intercourse with spirits of impure emotionality and intent. Strange to hear that from a spirit. (The definition of unclean I just gave was from a dictionary).
The troublesome spirits cause confusion, whether by actually interfering with my body language in public situations making me seem untrustworthy (! - true, such is their influence over my psyche), and also misleading others, higher or earthbound, spirits about my thoughts. Now I ring an imaginary bell to indicate that I am under attack, and it actually helps clarify for those spirits around me what is going on. (This must be hard to understand! But these are the facts of my everyday life). When the troublesome spirits mess with my thoughts to make them unpleasant and rude, it often is not just an injury to me but it looks for an instant like they are exactly my thoughts. So now I ring the bell (like lepers used to do to signify they were 'unclean' and contagious). The bell helps to signify that there is spiritual danger to anyone in spirit who notices.
OK, that was too hard to understand and believe, I'm sure. But I feel my normal self writing this.
There must be so many unhappy spirits either stuck on Earth or spirits of ill will close by Earth that cause humanity pollution. There must be so many of them. I wonder what God is doing about them. I wonder what God thinks about them - or rather, how he would describe them to me - he/she wouldn't say they are psychopathic, dysfunctional, because those words are dysfunctional. But still, the spirits in question must do a lot of harm, they do evil; however, essentially, they are not evil beings, because they exist, they are creatures of God.
Shortly after coming out of psychiatric hospital a few years ago, I heard a spiritual voice say "We're glad you're not mad anymore." It was just once that I heard that voice. It is very touching to have heard those words. I know it was an earthbound spirit - I can tell earthbound spirit from mortal telepathic, and good-natured spirits from badly-mannered and evil-behaved ones; I know the difference between a celestial voice and an Earthbound voice, just from having heard them once.
I have to ask myself, why don't I do something about this, and go on a massive campaign to track down someone in the world who is more psychic, more knowing and more healthy than I am who can put things right for me. Why not? Answer: a lack of mindfulness; and busy-ness; and loss of faith; and beliefs of scarcity of people with such skills; and maybe I'm not ready to be healed yet, who knows. So I have to forgive myself. It's something I consciously wish to do later, soon, but not now. For instance I'm busy now, about to move house (hopefully). but maybe I should start some distance healing with the person I have in mind. I think I'll do that actually! Contact them and ask them to see what they can do from afar (I am quite a long way from where they are, it involves a special trip).
A happy moment. We'll see what happens. I guess I'll feel happier for doing something about this, this unbelievable situation of fully conscious psychic attack by negative-thinking 'demoniac' spirits and overcrowding by ghosts.
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