Firstly, "Wahoo!!" - I am happy because for a week or so I have been trying to write new posts here but been unable to because of a bug, but I have just found a workaround on their Help page. "Wahoo!" again!!
Okay, to all of you out there Internet-land looking for advice and guidance on your psycho-spiritual well-being (which I define as your happiness with your mental health and personal boundaries as a person who is "psychic" (I mean, anyone who is aware of extra-sensory phenomena). Extra-sensory perception. Can bring problems. Chronic, chronic problems. Many people offer help with chronic problems to do with extra-sensory phenomena; I've seen a few, I will see more, but to be honest, my faith in them (so far) is low.
What do I think helps?
First of all, sitting quietly, letting your own mind unravel its way to a positive solution either under its own power or through Divine infusion of ideas.
Second, meditation; binding your subtle energy to the Earth and Its core; holding the feeling of what your preferred state is like (I mean 'imagining' and holding feelings of peace, of safety, of privacy); and, most seriously, holding the intention to be peaceful (to be peaceful in every way - that is, to be untroubled, have good relations with the world of spirit and feel calm).
Thirdly, change your focus. At some level there must be a way for you to powerfully shift your focus and give more of yourself to the world, or to receive more from the world. You can be over-giving (all mental effort towards goodness and integrity, and all benevolence) and at the same time you might be both not giving to others in a way that is practical (because all your energy is in putting out good vibrations through mental effort) and you are exhausted and needing to be cared for in some way (that is, you are needing to receive from others and from God).
One major insight for me to share is that intention is very important. Intend to be healthy. Intend to be happy. Intend to be peaceful.
Will is like a muscle and can be strengthened. Intention that is strong creates mindfulness of purpose. Keep reminding yourself of your wish, and you will remember more and move towards your desired state of being!
But everyone is in a unique situation and circumstance. Some may already be strong-willed. For me, I realised that strong intention is better than many auspicious external items, whether they be gemstones, religious items such as medals, or flower essences for psychic protection. Still, I find value in them, some of those things, but better than external things, for me at least, is will power. Insight: willpower creates one's own personal boundaries. Prepare to become a stronger person.
I had some insights about Domination. Simply, I noticed my thoughts were being changed through the mind-force of a spirit or group of spirits on the 'subtle', spiritual level. (We could call these spirits evil, but we would be better saying that they are spirit-people choosing what is evil, they are choosing what is very unloving.) Dominion and domination, in the origins of those words, indicate someone extending mastery over another (not true mastery, not mastery of the way of Life, but the gross and simple mastery chosen in ignorance, that of one being over another). It is a power play. One being finds it gratifying to 'dominate' another. I mention this because it refers to will power. Strong will cannot dominate strong will, by and large. Strong will can only dominate a lesser will.
They also say that knowledge is power. Spiritual knowledge gives strength before a spiritual adversary. Such as the realisation that no being or group of beings can dominate another forever. - That effort to dominate another simply does not work over eternity, given the nature of Reality. Not all the fear in the world or all the fear that could ever be is stronger than that principle of sustainability versus unsustainable relationships and actions.
When contemplating domination and dominion the other morning, I realised that I should shift my focus - this time from what is sad and upsetting (domination efforts by another towards me) - to what is truly strong and poisitive (which for me is Deity).
Lastly, if you need to, smile, and relax. You may well be holding onto tension in your body right now. (I wished to write that, then realised, as I was writing that I was holding tension in my body, in my abdomen! I then spontaneously took a breath in and breathed out, relaxing!) Oh yes - and smiling could help relax your mind, too (that important part of you all and me I am writing about here)!
Good luck to you all in defining and reclaiming your personal boundaries.
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