Saturday, 11 June 2011

I'm Lucky, Because...

I realise that I am lucky with the haunting I have, because they do not cause me any problems of addiction. I have read that if you are someone who has ghosts around you, then they can pass on parts of their thinking or behaviour to you, for example causing you depression or alcoholism or any kind of compulsions. I don't get that, and in that respect I consider myself lucky. If you read this blog, you will know by now that the real problems I have with haunting are to do with what is known as verbal abuse or psychological abuse from spirits. I suppose in the old days they would have called such abuse the attacks of the devil.

In the last week I have obtained a Christian crucifix with the medal of Saint Benedict behind Jesus' head (which medal is traditionally used for exorcism and spiritual well-being).

I have also begun annointing myself with water (local spring water, which I don't feel particularly the need to bless by prayer or ritual - my intention is strong enough; but you can bless water by leaving it in the sun for some hours or by making the sign of the cross or other powerful symbol over it). I do this having researched holy water a little, learning that holy water is used to remind Christians of Baptism, which purifies and washes away evil and blesses and gives Life. That's a powerful thing for me, and it's important in realigning myself and dedicating myself to the Power of Powers. That's a kind of thing you might read about in a psychic protection handbook.

I have also made an appointment to see a lady in London with experience of psychic healing, who treats psychic attack and heals the aura, who is a psychic medium. I have faith in her. That's at the end of the month, so we'll see what happens. They say that healing is internal, not external, of the soul, and occurs (I suppose) in God's good time - healing happens when it is right to happen. The lady has trained with the Spirit Release Foundation and Sue Allen, so I am 100% sure she is genuine, and not a fraud, as some people out there are who offer esoteric help.

I have also come to understand, from thinking about one spirit around me, that when people act in ways that don't make sense to cause harm, it is because they are unhappy at the soul level, principally the crown chakra or top two chakras (third eye chakra as well). The crown chakra is to do with the connection a being has with the universe, and perhaps feelings of self-worth in relation to Divinity. This is kind of an insight, kind of an intuition, but it rings true with me. Also note that spirits have souls, just as we in dense form have souls. I know that in Heaven we are close to God again, and also united with our Higher Self, but I suppose that soul awareness is something bigger that Heavenly souls learn to access, just as we can on Earth. As I understand it, God makes us by putting all the Light he/she can into our bodies (!), but there is still some left over - a lot in fact, and that is the soul. That's how I see it, and I say that's a reliable way of seeing it, too. In my culture we might refer to people as souls ("lost souls", "poor souls", "save our souls" (S.O.S.)), but the soul, according to my beliefs, is something in us and something more than us, at once like God in nature, but also less than God in nature. This perspective could well be reassuring to spirits, to understand that there is more and that they can evolve.
But, going back to our spirit who is badly-behaved without being able to explain why, it is because they are having some funny thoughts about Life and Who They Are in relation to All That Is. So we can pray for them to become aware and knowing and trusting of Life.

Mr. S.

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