The voice of someone who is on the other side, who I trust and respect called me a "mystic", some months ago. That was a nice moment, a kind of compliment for me, although he was just expressing what to him was a fact. Imagine that. Imagine that I am a mystic.
Now consider that I am having issues through attracting the attention of spirit people whose mental influence frequently triggers pain in me.
Where is this leading for me? To personal power, to compassion, and the ability not to be attached to pain or aggression from having changed my way of thinking. To acquire on Earth the ways of the soul, to become more and more 'godly'/'Godly' - given the nature of the soul as sharing in the Divine Nature, and thus to experience more of the God Nature in its being qualities, feeling love and joy and peace and other qualities.
A long time ago, on a beach with my grandpa, I was digging a hole, as big as I could. Grandpa helped me dig the hole by filling it in...! Actually what he did was to dig from the outside in, instead of digging deep. He said something like "You have to dig out to dig down". A large hole must be wide as well as deep. I was disheartened by his contribution at first, but now it has taken on another significance. It reminds me of my life as it is now: some time ago I became spiritually aware (I began digging a hole), but problems came with this awareness, and my spirituality was an obstacle to my basic happiness and mental health (the hole became filled in from the outsides); now I am digging, digging, digging, deepening my hole - and as soon as I have cleared out what has fallen in then I will have the happiness of a healthy expanded awareness and great spirituality. Back in the day, my spiritual ambition was as large as my appetite for God, my appetite to feel God's love myself for real, so when all is well, that is what will be present to me - my sense of self-worth, my sense of loveable-ness, and my contentment and peace will be greater than ever and correspond to the Love of God for me, as much as I can take it in.
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Friday, 17 June 2011
Terms Of Warfare! Important Post and Ideas About "Evil"
I had some thoughts about the situation of being under the invasive influence of spiritual beings. The idea is to be accurate and loving at the same time - rather than waste energy and cause problems from using language that is wrong or aggressive.
Demon: As previously noticed, the word demon is confusing at best; in its root it means Master. It is used by us to denote malevolent beings in spirit. Firstly, "Hate the sin not the sinner", so identify bad behaviour without making a spirit person a bad being - for nothing God made is bad, I believe. Secondly, these spirits are trying to 'master' us, which is no mastery, but a crude power play that does not prosper in Eternity and in the God's Universe. So I would avoid using the word demon to describe malevolent spirits.
Devil: I don't believe that there is a duality in the Universe of God versus the Devil with our souls in the balance - I do not believe in those terms. No big Devil. However, there are clearly beings, people, in spirit with evil will, who wish to cause great harm - and the less we have to do with the, the better, though we can pray for them. Those spirits we could call devils, just like we could call them demons - but what good does that do? They are truly souls gone astray, requiring the love of God (and us) and redemption and prayer. Labels of good and evil set up division, which is as much as to say they create further conflict. So I would avoid calling them devils. It's also a kind of insult - again, aggression - and it perpetuates conflict.
Spiritual Warfare: do you really wish to cleanse the entire space between Earth and Heaven single-handed? I suggest not - there's too much, and Life is too valuable to spend any longer than necessary dealing with anything opposed to personal evolution and fulfilment. Don't declare war on all of darkness in spirit. He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day. It may be a minor point, but I prefer to think in terms of psychological warfare, as understood by Earthly war-makers, or psychological abuse as understood by psychologists - these philosophies allow us to think productively about the situation of psycho-spiritual attack.
Exorcism: I prefer the term spirit release, which has benign connotations, rather than the 'loaded' word "exorcism".
- The point is that we use language that is helpful. Language full of anger promotes conflict. Language of compassion promotes peace ("peace between" and "peace inside"). Let's not throw insults at (powerful) spirits who are not like us in approach to Life, and let's not declare war on the entire reality of pain. Better to focus on what is good, as metaphysical teachers say. Have a spiritual mission without having confrontation as one's central purpose. Peacefulness can fight (or the innocent would be overrun by evil), so we "Fight the good fight with all our might," as the Christian hymn goes. Peacefulness can fight, but it does so with a pure heart. Peacefulness can fight and unleash total aggression, but it's dominant psychology is always purity and goodness as generally understood by the human race down the ages. So we live in love, we do not live to hate. We live in peace through all that leads to peace. After all, if our final goal is to have power over another, we are the same as what has been called 'demon', or evil...
I had a dream of two enemies. one was pure of heart, the other was not pure of heart. They fought each other, killing each other again and again, and again and again they had the strength of mind to resurrect themselves and to fight each other. The one of lesser purity warred on the other, and the other had to fight back. It is the story of nemesis. Two equals who war.
In the end the pure one had the strength to self-resurrect and kill the other one last time. His purity had given him the extra power to live in peace. This is the tragic story of pain, that one can be driven by pain - and perhaps envy - to trouble another, even in ultimate ways. But, in eternity, the good always overcomes. There is change, and restoration of Joy. There is beautification and remembrance of love. Even if that means death (which is but a gateway to a greater reality), Light and Love always win. "Lux omnia Vincit" - Light always triumphs; and "Amor omnia vincit" - Love always triumphs; - these are two similar and valuable Latin mottoes. In the end the Light is not glad to kill the enemy, but sees the bigger picture where Life goes on, and is quietly glad in the righteous peace that has been gained.
I don't believe that peace must be passive. We can meet evil with strength and with enough strength, evil is dispersed and then there is peace. I suppose evil is Life in relationship with other members of Life in ways that are harmful to the Whole; Life need not be destroyed to give peace to the Whole, it is merely necessary to heal and restore the relations between the 'members' of Life.
Wishing you peace, peace and peace, and wishing you harmony with The All,
Mr. S.
Demon: As previously noticed, the word demon is confusing at best; in its root it means Master. It is used by us to denote malevolent beings in spirit. Firstly, "Hate the sin not the sinner", so identify bad behaviour without making a spirit person a bad being - for nothing God made is bad, I believe. Secondly, these spirits are trying to 'master' us, which is no mastery, but a crude power play that does not prosper in Eternity and in the God's Universe. So I would avoid using the word demon to describe malevolent spirits.
Devil: I don't believe that there is a duality in the Universe of God versus the Devil with our souls in the balance - I do not believe in those terms. No big Devil. However, there are clearly beings, people, in spirit with evil will, who wish to cause great harm - and the less we have to do with the, the better, though we can pray for them. Those spirits we could call devils, just like we could call them demons - but what good does that do? They are truly souls gone astray, requiring the love of God (and us) and redemption and prayer. Labels of good and evil set up division, which is as much as to say they create further conflict. So I would avoid calling them devils. It's also a kind of insult - again, aggression - and it perpetuates conflict.
Spiritual Warfare: do you really wish to cleanse the entire space between Earth and Heaven single-handed? I suggest not - there's too much, and Life is too valuable to spend any longer than necessary dealing with anything opposed to personal evolution and fulfilment. Don't declare war on all of darkness in spirit. He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day. It may be a minor point, but I prefer to think in terms of psychological warfare, as understood by Earthly war-makers, or psychological abuse as understood by psychologists - these philosophies allow us to think productively about the situation of psycho-spiritual attack.
Exorcism: I prefer the term spirit release, which has benign connotations, rather than the 'loaded' word "exorcism".
- The point is that we use language that is helpful. Language full of anger promotes conflict. Language of compassion promotes peace ("peace between" and "peace inside"). Let's not throw insults at (powerful) spirits who are not like us in approach to Life, and let's not declare war on the entire reality of pain. Better to focus on what is good, as metaphysical teachers say. Have a spiritual mission without having confrontation as one's central purpose. Peacefulness can fight (or the innocent would be overrun by evil), so we "Fight the good fight with all our might," as the Christian hymn goes. Peacefulness can fight, but it does so with a pure heart. Peacefulness can fight and unleash total aggression, but it's dominant psychology is always purity and goodness as generally understood by the human race down the ages. So we live in love, we do not live to hate. We live in peace through all that leads to peace. After all, if our final goal is to have power over another, we are the same as what has been called 'demon', or evil...
I had a dream of two enemies. one was pure of heart, the other was not pure of heart. They fought each other, killing each other again and again, and again and again they had the strength of mind to resurrect themselves and to fight each other. The one of lesser purity warred on the other, and the other had to fight back. It is the story of nemesis. Two equals who war.
In the end the pure one had the strength to self-resurrect and kill the other one last time. His purity had given him the extra power to live in peace. This is the tragic story of pain, that one can be driven by pain - and perhaps envy - to trouble another, even in ultimate ways. But, in eternity, the good always overcomes. There is change, and restoration of Joy. There is beautification and remembrance of love. Even if that means death (which is but a gateway to a greater reality), Light and Love always win. "Lux omnia Vincit" - Light always triumphs; and "Amor omnia vincit" - Love always triumphs; - these are two similar and valuable Latin mottoes. In the end the Light is not glad to kill the enemy, but sees the bigger picture where Life goes on, and is quietly glad in the righteous peace that has been gained.
I don't believe that peace must be passive. We can meet evil with strength and with enough strength, evil is dispersed and then there is peace. I suppose evil is Life in relationship with other members of Life in ways that are harmful to the Whole; Life need not be destroyed to give peace to the Whole, it is merely necessary to heal and restore the relations between the 'members' of Life.
Wishing you peace, peace and peace, and wishing you harmony with The All,
Mr. S.
Sunday, 12 June 2011
A Parapsychologist Writes...
An important thought came to me today, as follows:
'Hearing voices' might one day be considered to be not enough to diagnose someone as mentally ill. Even if you hear abusive voices. Surely mental illness would be diagnosed by further information, such as a person's rationality and so on. Simply put, just because you 'hear voices' (with your mind, directly), does not mean you are insane.
Hearing voices is something that the culture in my part of the world has traditionally feared, but many saints are said to have heard the voice of God or angels. If that is possible for one person, why not for anyone of us? And while we're on the subject, to consider that hearing God's voice or the voice of angels is merely a power belonging to saints and those considered great human beings is to lead the innocent straight towards delusions of grandeur...
For many people, though, hearing voices is something special, a spiritual gift and sign of greater spiritual evolution. But then there is a whole 'spectrum' of people with this awakening of the mind, so people like me, and perhaps any one of you reading this page, are caught at the edges of the spectrum and suffering because of their heightened awareness. However, for every single person who is psychic and suffering, there must be thousands of people who are very happy with their mental abilities and call them gifts. Nowadays, the occult and the esoteric are expanding at a fantastic rate as fields of knowledge - they are becoming less and less esoteric. Psychic development is popular and big business for publishers. Ordinary people are developing their mental sensitivities. What will this do to psychology? Eventually these scientists will have to stop calling ordinary people insane. We also need to stop making these gifts extraordinary, so that people are aware of their potential and do not get lost in paranoia if they awaken.
I admit, as I have done before, that I have experienced insanity - delusions and hallucinations - although at present I would say my rationality falls within boundaries of normality, and I would say that my perceptions are real. All the trouble comes from the division between science and religion, and from psychology being a young science that has no spiritual perspective.
Our mainstream science of psychology is young, does not have all the answers, and is still evolving. I think I can forgive them.
There was once a young person called Jeanne who heard the voice of saints and angels. She is now called a saint. She was told by angels to save her nation from being conquered - look her up! (She is usually known as Joan of Arc, in English). I have adopted her as patron saint of people who hear voices! Which I don't think there is one in Christianity; we have patron saints for mental illness, but not for clairaudience / unusual auditory perceptions. So I humbly commend you all to her supervision and care. Amen.
'Hearing voices' might one day be considered to be not enough to diagnose someone as mentally ill. Even if you hear abusive voices. Surely mental illness would be diagnosed by further information, such as a person's rationality and so on. Simply put, just because you 'hear voices' (with your mind, directly), does not mean you are insane.
Hearing voices is something that the culture in my part of the world has traditionally feared, but many saints are said to have heard the voice of God or angels. If that is possible for one person, why not for anyone of us? And while we're on the subject, to consider that hearing God's voice or the voice of angels is merely a power belonging to saints and those considered great human beings is to lead the innocent straight towards delusions of grandeur...
For many people, though, hearing voices is something special, a spiritual gift and sign of greater spiritual evolution. But then there is a whole 'spectrum' of people with this awakening of the mind, so people like me, and perhaps any one of you reading this page, are caught at the edges of the spectrum and suffering because of their heightened awareness. However, for every single person who is psychic and suffering, there must be thousands of people who are very happy with their mental abilities and call them gifts. Nowadays, the occult and the esoteric are expanding at a fantastic rate as fields of knowledge - they are becoming less and less esoteric. Psychic development is popular and big business for publishers. Ordinary people are developing their mental sensitivities. What will this do to psychology? Eventually these scientists will have to stop calling ordinary people insane. We also need to stop making these gifts extraordinary, so that people are aware of their potential and do not get lost in paranoia if they awaken.
I admit, as I have done before, that I have experienced insanity - delusions and hallucinations - although at present I would say my rationality falls within boundaries of normality, and I would say that my perceptions are real. All the trouble comes from the division between science and religion, and from psychology being a young science that has no spiritual perspective.
Our mainstream science of psychology is young, does not have all the answers, and is still evolving. I think I can forgive them.
There was once a young person called Jeanne who heard the voice of saints and angels. She is now called a saint. She was told by angels to save her nation from being conquered - look her up! (She is usually known as Joan of Arc, in English). I have adopted her as patron saint of people who hear voices! Which I don't think there is one in Christianity; we have patron saints for mental illness, but not for clairaudience / unusual auditory perceptions. So I humbly commend you all to her supervision and care. Amen.
Saturday, 11 June 2011
I'm Lucky, Because...
I realise that I am lucky with the haunting I have, because they do not cause me any problems of addiction. I have read that if you are someone who has ghosts around you, then they can pass on parts of their thinking or behaviour to you, for example causing you depression or alcoholism or any kind of compulsions. I don't get that, and in that respect I consider myself lucky. If you read this blog, you will know by now that the real problems I have with haunting are to do with what is known as verbal abuse or psychological abuse from spirits. I suppose in the old days they would have called such abuse the attacks of the devil.
In the last week I have obtained a Christian crucifix with the medal of Saint Benedict behind Jesus' head (which medal is traditionally used for exorcism and spiritual well-being).
I have also begun annointing myself with water (local spring water, which I don't feel particularly the need to bless by prayer or ritual - my intention is strong enough; but you can bless water by leaving it in the sun for some hours or by making the sign of the cross or other powerful symbol over it). I do this having researched holy water a little, learning that holy water is used to remind Christians of Baptism, which purifies and washes away evil and blesses and gives Life. That's a powerful thing for me, and it's important in realigning myself and dedicating myself to the Power of Powers. That's a kind of thing you might read about in a psychic protection handbook.
I have also made an appointment to see a lady in London with experience of psychic healing, who treats psychic attack and heals the aura, who is a psychic medium. I have faith in her. That's at the end of the month, so we'll see what happens. They say that healing is internal, not external, of the soul, and occurs (I suppose) in God's good time - healing happens when it is right to happen. The lady has trained with the Spirit Release Foundation and Sue Allen, so I am 100% sure she is genuine, and not a fraud, as some people out there are who offer esoteric help.
I have also come to understand, from thinking about one spirit around me, that when people act in ways that don't make sense to cause harm, it is because they are unhappy at the soul level, principally the crown chakra or top two chakras (third eye chakra as well). The crown chakra is to do with the connection a being has with the universe, and perhaps feelings of self-worth in relation to Divinity. This is kind of an insight, kind of an intuition, but it rings true with me. Also note that spirits have souls, just as we in dense form have souls. I know that in Heaven we are close to God again, and also united with our Higher Self, but I suppose that soul awareness is something bigger that Heavenly souls learn to access, just as we can on Earth. As I understand it, God makes us by putting all the Light he/she can into our bodies (!), but there is still some left over - a lot in fact, and that is the soul. That's how I see it, and I say that's a reliable way of seeing it, too. In my culture we might refer to people as souls ("lost souls", "poor souls", "save our souls" (S.O.S.)), but the soul, according to my beliefs, is something in us and something more than us, at once like God in nature, but also less than God in nature. This perspective could well be reassuring to spirits, to understand that there is more and that they can evolve.
But, going back to our spirit who is badly-behaved without being able to explain why, it is because they are having some funny thoughts about Life and Who They Are in relation to All That Is. So we can pray for them to become aware and knowing and trusting of Life.
Mr. S.
In the last week I have obtained a Christian crucifix with the medal of Saint Benedict behind Jesus' head (which medal is traditionally used for exorcism and spiritual well-being).
I have also begun annointing myself with water (local spring water, which I don't feel particularly the need to bless by prayer or ritual - my intention is strong enough; but you can bless water by leaving it in the sun for some hours or by making the sign of the cross or other powerful symbol over it). I do this having researched holy water a little, learning that holy water is used to remind Christians of Baptism, which purifies and washes away evil and blesses and gives Life. That's a powerful thing for me, and it's important in realigning myself and dedicating myself to the Power of Powers. That's a kind of thing you might read about in a psychic protection handbook.
I have also made an appointment to see a lady in London with experience of psychic healing, who treats psychic attack and heals the aura, who is a psychic medium. I have faith in her. That's at the end of the month, so we'll see what happens. They say that healing is internal, not external, of the soul, and occurs (I suppose) in God's good time - healing happens when it is right to happen. The lady has trained with the Spirit Release Foundation and Sue Allen, so I am 100% sure she is genuine, and not a fraud, as some people out there are who offer esoteric help.
I have also come to understand, from thinking about one spirit around me, that when people act in ways that don't make sense to cause harm, it is because they are unhappy at the soul level, principally the crown chakra or top two chakras (third eye chakra as well). The crown chakra is to do with the connection a being has with the universe, and perhaps feelings of self-worth in relation to Divinity. This is kind of an insight, kind of an intuition, but it rings true with me. Also note that spirits have souls, just as we in dense form have souls. I know that in Heaven we are close to God again, and also united with our Higher Self, but I suppose that soul awareness is something bigger that Heavenly souls learn to access, just as we can on Earth. As I understand it, God makes us by putting all the Light he/she can into our bodies (!), but there is still some left over - a lot in fact, and that is the soul. That's how I see it, and I say that's a reliable way of seeing it, too. In my culture we might refer to people as souls ("lost souls", "poor souls", "save our souls" (S.O.S.)), but the soul, according to my beliefs, is something in us and something more than us, at once like God in nature, but also less than God in nature. This perspective could well be reassuring to spirits, to understand that there is more and that they can evolve.
But, going back to our spirit who is badly-behaved without being able to explain why, it is because they are having some funny thoughts about Life and Who They Are in relation to All That Is. So we can pray for them to become aware and knowing and trusting of Life.
Mr. S.
Thursday, 2 June 2011
02 June 2011 Notes
No complaints. I don't hear complaints from the spirits around me stuck on Earth. Some of them are vituperative, rude. Some are fairly friendly.
If you could listen to my thoughts, you would know that I sometimes complain, and that I wonder what can make up for ten years of mental hardship being psychologically abused from within my mind space.
Some years ago I went to a doctor and asked for pain medicine to ease my mental suffering. "What do you mean, mental pain? Do you mean emotional pain?" He wasn't sure what I meant, and I wish I'd told him that the pain I feel is the same pain that we humans feel when someone insults us or uses rude language towards us. That would have made things clearer.
Mediumistic psychic attack at the conscious level, which must be extremely rare, parallels psychological abuse of all kinds, whether between married people or as a form of interrogation and torture. I have insight into that mental control that can take place as one tries to dominate another, noticing that it might work by "second-guessing" another, for example, or in some way preventing them from being 'assertive' and mentally strong to the extent that they cannot express themselves in ordinary sentences of speech without being contradicted. I go through some pretty major insults and trickery and 'obfuscation', as if they are toying with me (playful malice), but I am lucky in that they do not attempt to take away my power to be assertive. It is more a case of discrediting and insulting me, which is a kind of psychic violence.
Why do words hurt?
Why can words of insult or coarseness cause injury and irritation?
A secondary symptom is that I hear so much that I get comments from Earthbound spirits around me to the effect that I get a sore mind from being exposed to a sense of humour (jokes) that are far from what I feel is good. We are chalk and cheese. Why is it there are so many of these spirits? they all have the same rude sense of humour!, be it sexist, racist, or otherwise plainly excessively mischievous.
The Christian tradition calls such spirits, Earthbound ones, "Spiritus immundus" (singular), impure spirits. They certainly are that in their humour! And that humour 'perfectly' blends into hostile and abusive psychic energy.
I once went to an abbey, and heard a priestly voice say, with pity, "you are unclean". He meant that I am spiritually defiled (and I suppose also contagious) through being subject to mental intercourse with spirits of impure emotionality and intent. Strange to hear that from a spirit. (The definition of unclean I just gave was from a dictionary).
The troublesome spirits cause confusion, whether by actually interfering with my body language in public situations making me seem untrustworthy (! - true, such is their influence over my psyche), and also misleading others, higher or earthbound, spirits about my thoughts. Now I ring an imaginary bell to indicate that I am under attack, and it actually helps clarify for those spirits around me what is going on. (This must be hard to understand! But these are the facts of my everyday life). When the troublesome spirits mess with my thoughts to make them unpleasant and rude, it often is not just an injury to me but it looks for an instant like they are exactly my thoughts. So now I ring the bell (like lepers used to do to signify they were 'unclean' and contagious). The bell helps to signify that there is spiritual danger to anyone in spirit who notices.
OK, that was too hard to understand and believe, I'm sure. But I feel my normal self writing this.
There must be so many unhappy spirits either stuck on Earth or spirits of ill will close by Earth that cause humanity pollution. There must be so many of them. I wonder what God is doing about them. I wonder what God thinks about them - or rather, how he would describe them to me - he/she wouldn't say they are psychopathic, dysfunctional, because those words are dysfunctional. But still, the spirits in question must do a lot of harm, they do evil; however, essentially, they are not evil beings, because they exist, they are creatures of God.
Shortly after coming out of psychiatric hospital a few years ago, I heard a spiritual voice say "We're glad you're not mad anymore." It was just once that I heard that voice. It is very touching to have heard those words. I know it was an earthbound spirit - I can tell earthbound spirit from mortal telepathic, and good-natured spirits from badly-mannered and evil-behaved ones; I know the difference between a celestial voice and an Earthbound voice, just from having heard them once.
I have to ask myself, why don't I do something about this, and go on a massive campaign to track down someone in the world who is more psychic, more knowing and more healthy than I am who can put things right for me. Why not? Answer: a lack of mindfulness; and busy-ness; and loss of faith; and beliefs of scarcity of people with such skills; and maybe I'm not ready to be healed yet, who knows. So I have to forgive myself. It's something I consciously wish to do later, soon, but not now. For instance I'm busy now, about to move house (hopefully). but maybe I should start some distance healing with the person I have in mind. I think I'll do that actually! Contact them and ask them to see what they can do from afar (I am quite a long way from where they are, it involves a special trip).
A happy moment. We'll see what happens. I guess I'll feel happier for doing something about this, this unbelievable situation of fully conscious psychic attack by negative-thinking 'demoniac' spirits and overcrowding by ghosts.
If you could listen to my thoughts, you would know that I sometimes complain, and that I wonder what can make up for ten years of mental hardship being psychologically abused from within my mind space.
Some years ago I went to a doctor and asked for pain medicine to ease my mental suffering. "What do you mean, mental pain? Do you mean emotional pain?" He wasn't sure what I meant, and I wish I'd told him that the pain I feel is the same pain that we humans feel when someone insults us or uses rude language towards us. That would have made things clearer.
Mediumistic psychic attack at the conscious level, which must be extremely rare, parallels psychological abuse of all kinds, whether between married people or as a form of interrogation and torture. I have insight into that mental control that can take place as one tries to dominate another, noticing that it might work by "second-guessing" another, for example, or in some way preventing them from being 'assertive' and mentally strong to the extent that they cannot express themselves in ordinary sentences of speech without being contradicted. I go through some pretty major insults and trickery and 'obfuscation', as if they are toying with me (playful malice), but I am lucky in that they do not attempt to take away my power to be assertive. It is more a case of discrediting and insulting me, which is a kind of psychic violence.
Why do words hurt?
Why can words of insult or coarseness cause injury and irritation?
A secondary symptom is that I hear so much that I get comments from Earthbound spirits around me to the effect that I get a sore mind from being exposed to a sense of humour (jokes) that are far from what I feel is good. We are chalk and cheese. Why is it there are so many of these spirits? they all have the same rude sense of humour!, be it sexist, racist, or otherwise plainly excessively mischievous.
The Christian tradition calls such spirits, Earthbound ones, "Spiritus immundus" (singular), impure spirits. They certainly are that in their humour! And that humour 'perfectly' blends into hostile and abusive psychic energy.
I once went to an abbey, and heard a priestly voice say, with pity, "you are unclean". He meant that I am spiritually defiled (and I suppose also contagious) through being subject to mental intercourse with spirits of impure emotionality and intent. Strange to hear that from a spirit. (The definition of unclean I just gave was from a dictionary).
The troublesome spirits cause confusion, whether by actually interfering with my body language in public situations making me seem untrustworthy (! - true, such is their influence over my psyche), and also misleading others, higher or earthbound, spirits about my thoughts. Now I ring an imaginary bell to indicate that I am under attack, and it actually helps clarify for those spirits around me what is going on. (This must be hard to understand! But these are the facts of my everyday life). When the troublesome spirits mess with my thoughts to make them unpleasant and rude, it often is not just an injury to me but it looks for an instant like they are exactly my thoughts. So now I ring the bell (like lepers used to do to signify they were 'unclean' and contagious). The bell helps to signify that there is spiritual danger to anyone in spirit who notices.
OK, that was too hard to understand and believe, I'm sure. But I feel my normal self writing this.
There must be so many unhappy spirits either stuck on Earth or spirits of ill will close by Earth that cause humanity pollution. There must be so many of them. I wonder what God is doing about them. I wonder what God thinks about them - or rather, how he would describe them to me - he/she wouldn't say they are psychopathic, dysfunctional, because those words are dysfunctional. But still, the spirits in question must do a lot of harm, they do evil; however, essentially, they are not evil beings, because they exist, they are creatures of God.
Shortly after coming out of psychiatric hospital a few years ago, I heard a spiritual voice say "We're glad you're not mad anymore." It was just once that I heard that voice. It is very touching to have heard those words. I know it was an earthbound spirit - I can tell earthbound spirit from mortal telepathic, and good-natured spirits from badly-mannered and evil-behaved ones; I know the difference between a celestial voice and an Earthbound voice, just from having heard them once.
I have to ask myself, why don't I do something about this, and go on a massive campaign to track down someone in the world who is more psychic, more knowing and more healthy than I am who can put things right for me. Why not? Answer: a lack of mindfulness; and busy-ness; and loss of faith; and beliefs of scarcity of people with such skills; and maybe I'm not ready to be healed yet, who knows. So I have to forgive myself. It's something I consciously wish to do later, soon, but not now. For instance I'm busy now, about to move house (hopefully). but maybe I should start some distance healing with the person I have in mind. I think I'll do that actually! Contact them and ask them to see what they can do from afar (I am quite a long way from where they are, it involves a special trip).
A happy moment. We'll see what happens. I guess I'll feel happier for doing something about this, this unbelievable situation of fully conscious psychic attack by negative-thinking 'demoniac' spirits and overcrowding by ghosts.
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