Sunday, 19 June 2011

Into The Mystic

The voice of someone who is on the other side, who I trust and respect called me a "mystic", some months ago. That was a nice moment, a kind of compliment for me, although he was just expressing what to him was a fact. Imagine that. Imagine that I am a mystic.

Now consider that I am having issues through attracting the attention of spirit people whose mental influence frequently triggers pain in me.

Where is this leading for me? To personal power, to compassion, and the ability not to be attached to pain or aggression from having changed my way of thinking. To acquire on Earth the ways of the soul, to become more and more 'godly'/'Godly' - given the nature of the soul as sharing in the Divine Nature, and thus to experience more of the God Nature in its being qualities, feeling love and joy and peace and other qualities.

A long time ago, on a beach with my grandpa, I was digging a hole, as big as I could. Grandpa helped me dig the hole by filling it in...! Actually what he did was to dig from the outside in, instead of digging deep. He said something like "You have to dig out to dig down". A large hole must be wide as well as deep. I was disheartened by his contribution at first, but now it has taken on another significance. It reminds me of my life as it is now: some time ago I became spiritually aware (I began digging a hole), but problems came with this awareness, and my spirituality was an obstacle to my basic happiness and mental health (the hole became filled in from the outsides); now I am digging, digging, digging, deepening my hole - and as soon as I have cleared out what has fallen in then I will have the happiness of a healthy expanded awareness and great spirituality. Back in the day, my spiritual ambition was as large as my appetite for God, my appetite to feel God's love myself for real, so when all is well, that is what will be present to me - my sense of self-worth, my sense of loveable-ness, and my contentment and peace will be greater than ever and correspond to the Love of God for me, as much as I can take it in.

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