Monday, 24 January 2011

Thoughts About Thoughts: Self-generated Suffering and Liberating Thinking

I thought about suffering over Christmas, about how our response to pain can make us suffer or not. I mean if we respond well to stress, we know it is there, but do not allow it to make us sad.

"Nothing is good or bad except thinking makes it so", said William Shakespeare in one of his plays. 

What is an in-born trait and what is human conditioning? For example religion and royalty are two things that a person can be born into, but, if we look closely, we find are cultural, not biological!

It was my idea that suffering can be like that. You can get 'attached' to pain. You can despair. All of this is in your thinking, in the thoughts you have in response to pain. For example, the thought "This is not fair!" when things 'go wrong' will cause you to carry around anger and may lead you into a depression.

This is like cognitive behavioural therapy, I think. Being watchful of how we react to things. If I am always angered and frustrated when I hear an intrusive voice, I lose will power and feel sad; if I can be conscious of my response and stay relaxed, I will be flexible and will be able to cope better.

I'm merely commenting from my own situation and from what I have read; I don't wish to speak lightly of your own pain, if you have any. And I hope that this helps you.

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