Monday, 24 January 2011

My Perspective: An Interesting Position

My perspective is interesting because I am making my own way, intellectually. The education I get to frame my experience, I find myself, no one is training me, or informing me directly. I rely on my own understanding and efforts.

Having become psychically aware very suddenly, I went through a long process of re-orientation, with no one to guide me; I found any information myself, and over years. This blog is a means for me to serve others in my position, and I have to say, I think those people are lucky in finding this blog and having it to lead them. I am 'bigging myself up', it seems, but really I'm making an important point about information - and orientation. Knowing where you are.

Medically, I see a GP every six months, I see a psychiatrist every three to five months; if I was to complain, I would say they medicate me, and leave me to it. There is a community psychiatric nurse who sees me once a month or every three weeks, which is great, and he helps me by talking things over; last time he was warning me about stress. He said that anyone can have a psychotic breakdown given enough stressors in their life - which I found strangely comforting, as it made me feel less odd! (He also said that if anyone took an antipsychotic, then suddenly stopped taking it, they would probably become psychotic...)
What I am working round to saying (!) is that they don't work too much in guiding me either, or trying to pick apart the elements of my inner world to heal me.

I have been growing in a 'vacuum'. Following my own initiative and finding out truth for myself. Also gaining added awareness and clarity over time.
It is a stressful process, sometimes, to be a student and teacher at the same time - I mean to depend on myself for learning.

I am the only person who is very psychic that I know - so there is no one to validate or inform me, to support and reassure me. And now I have reached enough understanding to begin to share it, with you the reader - that's a good thing.

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