This is a very important post for anyone experiencing unsettling psychic phenomena.
In this post I'd like to gather together some of the solutions that have emerged in the content of this blog.
Here they are:
- Grounding: Just like in household electrical circuits, the human organism (including its spiritual nature, the 'biofield' or 'aura') sometimes benefits from shedding excess spiritual energy. This apparently is done through passing the excess energy down a special cord that extends from the base of the spine deep into the energetic fabric of the Earth. If we are not well-connected with the Earth we are not strong. There are many ways of grounding, from visualising the grounding cord being wide and extending deep into the Earth, to engaging in physical activities of various sorts, like running or walking or gardening. Think of how much the Earth gives you, and develop your relationship with the Earth. In my experience, the Earth is alive, just as some religions hold.
- Mental Hygiene: think positive affirmations, pray, think about things that make you happy, laugh, focus your mind on things that make you happy and are good for the world and other beings, be spiritual, be religious, keep clear of harshness, cultivate kind thoughts and loving emotions and emotions of peace. Don't dwell on the thought of your misfortune in suffering - metaphysically-speaking, thought is magnetic. Be compassionate and forgiving to yourself and others when you encounter expressions of Life that you find are not wholesome. Wholesomeness is the way to health.
- Auric Hygiene: mental hygiene will help you have auric health (a healthy aura). Active grounding will help you have auric health. So will good nutrition (good diet) - and good company and occupation (nothing too stressful, and nothing that is bad for the Whole of Life). Beyond that you can visualise spiritual light coming to you and filling your aura, lightening it and making it healthy. Golden light is very healing and 'transmutes' auric dirt and pollution. There are many recommended ways of cleansing the aura to be found online (and in books) - and you will find them if you use a search engine to look for information on psychic protection.
- Shielding: Imagine that you are surrounded by a giant egg shell that has the broad end beneath you and the small end above your head, whose shell is about three or four feet away from your body; imagine that this shell is invisible and filled with the brightest light, brighter than a sunny and warm summer's day; imagine that the shell is quite tough and permits good energy to come through and is not present to other energy - no unwelcome energy can get in. Do this daily, twice in the beginning, morning and night, and then once a day after a few weeks of practise.
- Intention: Metaphysically speaking, your intention will determine your experience. As the Buddha said, wholesome mind bears good fruit. Be true and good, and you will come to 'good fortune', your experiences will be full of goodness. For more information on this kind of thinking read about "manifestation" or pick up a copy of "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne from your local library.
- Outside Help: The local person who knows. The exorcist, the priest, the healer, the shaman. Failing that - if you can't find such a person - pray, and have faith. Like the great Padre Pio says, "Pray, hope, and don't worry". Pray for celestial guardians to come to you. Mine are deceased friends and relations, but they could be angels, or God or similar Beings of Light, of the Highest vibration in the universe.
- Medical Professionals: ...can help. They can help you sleep (with medicine), they can help you be happy (medicine, talking therapy) they can give you advice (eg to practise mindfulness meditation, to exercise, to eat well), they may well be able to help you with strong medication (to think clearly and be free from troubling perceptions), and they may help you be safe (by keeping you in hospital, watching you and looking after you). These people have good intentions, they are helpful, although they may not have any beliefs in the spiritual reality.
- Rest: Remember, this will pass.
- Hope: keep a gentle hope alive in your heart that change will come. Remember there is Light in the world.
- Stay Positive: Have you heard of the positivist school of psychology? It's brilliant. It's a kind of thinking about life that says by focusing on the times when you are happy, by making good connections with the world (with people/animals) and being active you will be happy (and not sad all the time, ie depressed). Secondly, keep your heart open, don't let the ones that bully/torment/bother you become devils, be compassionate towards them; they are different beings, with God-given Freedom and Dignity (just like you); say a prayer everyday for them to be healed of their distress (the cause of their hostility).
Well that's all. I'm pleased with that list. What more do I have to write on this blog now? (!)
If you have good self-discipline, this list will be easy for you and will help you a lot; if you don't have good self-discipline, then this was the place on the Internet where you once read a list of ideas that would really help you...
Good luck!
Mr S
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