Sunday, 21 November 2010

Mr S' Believe It Or Not...

Yesterday I had to employ the services of a locksmith. Out of sheer happiness to be helped, I tipped him on top of a not inconsiderable sum, and as he went away, his thoughts came to me that I was " a nice man." I heard him thinking as I was shutting the door and as he was going away. He did not seem aware that he was heard thinking. I wonder if it was heard and communicated by the fact of the presence of the 'ghosts' (ghost-people) around me listening to him thinking. Still, this was nice - nice to be nice, and nice to be telepathic!

It should be noted that although I am very telepathic when no one is around, - often hearing people who I can sense are living 'in the body' on earth, as well as having running jokes with visiting spirits and highly conscious ghost-people around me, - it is extremely rare for me to hear the thoughts of people I am physically around.
Shall I complicate this? I'll go on - it is typical of the overlooking harmful disturbing spirits to force my thoughts out of me to telepathically connect with others in awkward and distressing ways, to shame me or others. Telepathy is their favourite medium, and their chief asset, due to their spiritual state. I feel sure that they caused others to hear my thoughts or sense my mind's workings - and cause sudden psychic awakening in those others. These spirits often delight in causing confusion and upset, and they use me as a medium to do it. My mind gets possessed. I feel a pressure on my thoughts. This is the same pressure that I feel ordinarily, diverting my thoughts into painful avenues when these harmful spirits are attacking me. That is, when there is potential for me to think a distressing thought, they will forcibly change the direction of my thinking to focus on the painful idea related to what I was thinking about. It comes with the feeling of psychological torturing.

This sounds so far-fetched, but it is good to articulate and share it. I guess, as I said, I have 'complicated' this post by going on into the related subject of telepathic attack. But, this is a good description of what goes on inside me (or, if you like, what seems to go on inside me).

To explain further - I think someone who does not share this condition may be thinking, well how can diverting thoughts hurt? Well, I say, think about why words hurt. That's in the core of this. Is it true that "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me", as some of us are taught to remember as children? Is that true? Not in my experience. Secondly, think about tools of psychological torture such as guilt and shame - the spirits, more or less deliberately, work to inflict a negative self-image based on the past and present. Lastly, think about aversion - those things to which we naturally prefer to avoid, whether what we are avoiding is real outside us or can be real in our minds as ideas. If you don't like spiders, if I am a spirit, sometimes I will be able to make you think about spiders and feel uncomfortable. If something could remind you of some personal shame or guilt, if I am a spirit, I will be able to make your mind dwell on that painful thought. And sometimes the harshness of unascended spirits comes through, - their anger and discontent comes through - as violent language ('cursing' / 'swearing' language) or even violent imagery at times. they have so much anger to express and rid themselves of, it comes through at every available opportunity.
Again, I believe I have described clearly what happens inside of me during this experience of "spirit attack". So is my work here done?! I mean is this the higher purpose of this blog? Perhaps. And perhaps its other functions include further analysis of the parts of this condition, and possible remedies.

I apologise for my language sounding complex and like a university lecturer! I consciously try to write in an accessible style, but sometimes I slip into words like the ones I use when writing privately about this, in my journal.

Until next time,
Wishing you good luck in your health,

Mr S

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