Sunday, 21 November 2010

Demonology II

First-hand awareness of demonology may not be my life-purpose - health is part of my life purpose, but I think my real life purpose is being useful in more mundane ways - still, this is useful knowledge to share, right?

Demonology, study of demons, and knowledge about demons.

What is a demon?
  • A person (or animal?) that is in spirit, and that is in part ascension, who has not been reunited and reconciled with 'the Light', the Highest vibration of existence
  • A person (or animal?) who avoids and hates the Light and seeks to extinguish it where possible
  • A person (etc) who suffers, but in such a way as to not be humble, and pray for help, but holding the desire to spread suffering, particularly among those of the Light
We on Earth are in a state of grace with God; in our souls we are always full of love and light, no  matter what the appearances on the outside. Spirits may attack us, partly out of a kind of jealousy, therefore, and partly out of resentment of the Light.
Out of the body we come face to face with the origin of grace - with God, but we may avoid God out of shame or anger and other emotional conditions.

I believe there is no Devil, that God is Almighty.
I may in anger call them demons, sometimes, but those spirits who trouble humanity are not really any different to profoundly emotionally disturbed individuals found on Earth. Being a humanist, I prefer to call them what they are, spirits in part ascension, rather than create eternal divisions with terms of hatred like 'demon'. Am I wrong? My father, who happily passed on to Heaven when he died, I have heard warn me of the presence of demons and a 'high demon' - so if they 'up there' use such terms, maybe we should too. But perhaps they do so for the sake of ease, and in reality compassion would not use such labels, in reality, love can embrace spirits but not 'demons'.

In  my experience, these spirits are not the extreme embodiment of fear that we traditionally make 'demons' out to be. They are exactly like the Earthly 'psychopath' - a person who has been conditioned by fear and harm to be hostile in an unreasoning and persistent way; this is a being who wishes to win, and they make war aggressively, they are not playing a game.
However, whatever we call them, we should be "as wise as serpents, and as innocent as doves", showing compassion willingly, but not inviting hungry tigers round for dinner... These spirits may be still be more dangerous than we know, and should be treated with caution.

Talk of demons seems to be frowned upon by religion these days. Some churches still have an awareness of spiritual danger, for better or worse, but most churches in my part of the world seem to have abandoned their duty to 'cast out evil spirits' and in place of a very scientific universe that prefers to ask questions first. We have abandoned belief in the paranormal in this part of the world. This position reduces fear, certainly, but what if you are in spiritual danger? The ordinary person will not believe you, and you may not know who to turn to, and those you do turn to may not have the spiritual 'muscles' or awareness appropriate to resolving the spiritual imbalances that present themselves. Because this is about one's relationship with the world of spirit being correctly in balance, being harmonious.

We have natural defences to spiritual danger.
  • There is the energetic aura, the biofield, that is a shield when healthy, (and which can be strengthened by imagining it filled with bright light)
  • There is the presence of the angels and spiritual guides around us, which spreads Light
  • There is the very nature of the Universe, the omnipresence of the Universal energy that guides and heals
  • There is our own common sense
  • There is our personal and group experience, which can help resolve a relationship with spirit that has developed in an unwelcome way (you can see someone who will help you).
I believe there is hope for all beings, that "everything is in a state of flux", so that change finds every being, and all beings 'go Home' to the Light, to God. God's power goes out everywhere, to all beings, (because it is everywhere, it is all beings), and so nothing is truly divided away from God's healing power. [This is a kind of belief in 'universal salvation', as they say, which is a little controversial out there in the realm of Earthly religious doctrine.]

So, do we call them demons, because they do great evil, or do we show compassion and call them spirits fallen into grave ill health, psychopathic spirits? I admit I can't give an absolute answer, but personally I prefer here to embrace, not divide, to heal, not reject: I prefer to call them spirits.

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