Friday, 13 August 2010

So Happy - Read Me!

It might seem like a minor thing, but I was overjoyed to see a statistic on my blog. It seems I have a readership!

I don't have a proper 'stat counter' (yet), but I do have AdSense turned on, and so I saw that I gained a click as a reader clicked onto another site from Diagnosis: Schizophrenia!

I am so happy. thank you to my readers. I see in this that what I am doing is valued, and that is worth much.

I feel I have something to offer, being able to write here for the world about an unusual condition, of schizophrenia fused with spiritual awakening and the rarity of problematic spiritual interactions. Either I help those who can identify with me, or I help further students of the evolving medical movement that is psychology.

                                               T H A N K    Y O U,   R E A D E R S!  

1 comment:

  1. For Your Information:
    If you are reading this, you are one of a number of individuals around the world taking value from what I write. My Google Stats prove this, and there have been hundreds of page views so far.
    I thank you very much for reading, and I wish you the best of luck with your desire to be healthy.
