Friday, 13 August 2010

The Rarity of Problematic Spiritual Interactions Discussed

I just wrote in my last post that what I experience, that looks like classic delusions of  persecution, and seems like a reality of negative spiritual interactions, is rare. It is rare for people to be 'spiritually disturbed' (that's disturbed as in 'bothered' by mischievous or malevolent human beings in spirit). I believe it is rare. As I have said that's why it's paranormal, meaning 'beyond' normal. However in the subculture of those who are spiritual and having spiritual sensory perception, it is common for teachers to mention protection.

Being 'grounded' is important for psychic safety. This means having a close energetic connection with Earth and being grounded in everyday reality and the physical.
Secondly shielding is used, whereby a person can visualise spiritual light coming around them, often recommended to be in the shape of a large bubble or egg shape to fill the biofield; this has the purpose of dispelling darkness of all forms (including keeping at bay undesirable spiritual influences).
It's that simple.

Or is it? I have been fairly neglectful of shielding. I do it occasionally, but there is something in me that makes it difficult, enough to want to avoid trying. To be honest, it can seem as though this ability in me is weak because it is externally blocked; I may come to practice this more and develop the ability to be a strong visualiser.
Shielding is recommended for spiritual safety, as the very occurrence of visualising light around the self attracts that spiritual light to you and naturally keeps you safe and happy.

So an important point here is that spiritual teachers often recommend that we take care, to defend us from spiritual dangers, which can strike the uninitiated. One thing they will say is that drug-taking (which coincided with my problems) can be dangerous, spiritual, and I would add that the more naturally sensitive you are as a person (even if that sensitivity has not hitherto awakened) the more you should take care to avoid drug use.

When you find a website on psychic development, very often, it seems, the teachers on that website will recommend that you consciously clean the aura with visualisation, shield it, ground and stay safe. So is spiritual danger such a rarity? Clearly it is still something to be countered, even if it is relatively rare that people get bothered by spirits, entities and stuck energies.

I don't think it's just 'being spiritually sensitive' [I prefer not to say 'psychic', for clarity, as this term can be used to mean 'of the mind/soul'] that endangers a person. I think there is another element. I'd say most spiritual and sensitive people don't have problems with troublesome beings and the like. I think there must be an added element of vulnerability, perhaps in the strength, or want of it, in an individual's aura. Or perhaps some people develop great sensitivity somehow, whether through drug-taking or natural awakening, and this exposes them to danger, when uninitiated. (Being initiated means that you know you something, and here it means that you know how to be safe, for example through grounding and shielding and avoiding spiritually unsafe habits.)

Different people have different spiritual gifts, some sensing vibrations of trees and people, for example. others being able to sense atmospheres in a room. As you will know by now, my gift is to hear the voices of people in Heaven, and of Earthbound spirits [(ghosts)], and my trouble is picking up the attention of spirits in part-ascension [stuck in their spiritual evolution and focusing attention of discontent on the earth plane]. I'm not lucky enough to feel vibrations or atmospheres, but I know people who can. I call these gifts, because 'when horse is before cart' (and not vice versa), these abilities truly are gifts, that we carry into physical existence and that can serve ourselves and other people.

I know that you can be very afraid reading about spiritual 'bogies', and I think this needn't be. In this universe (and in any universe), beings are supposed ot be safe and live happily; this is the natural direction of things. However, different levels of sensitivity, I think, come with different degrees of difficulty, although most will not be affected. You have to find what's right for you. I don't even like to think about some things that are supposed to be out there (in the ether), as a way of not attracting them to me. For me, I stick to positivity and hope. That's my solution. You may feel instant benefit from 'shielding'. You may find someone to help you heal first time seeing them. You may need to seek solitude and pray and fast. Something will work whatever your situation.
They say "the mills of the gods grind slow, but they grind small" - it may take time, but when things are better, they will be very good. I have read that life can move in large cycles, over several years. It may be that you have to 'play at Odysseus', and be vulnerable for some time before things get ironed out - but then you will be very strong and happy, and know that your sensitivity is a gift.

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