Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Anatomy Of A Schizophrenic-Type Disorder

I once thought that my troubles emerged exclusively from mortal people.  Then I progressed to realising it was from spirits too.

Now I see:

There are spirits around me, whose behaviour is changeable (though generally more benign);
There is much ill-will affecting me from spirit-people in the astral (who seem to be spiritually like 'career criminals', rebels against the Light)
There is some ill-will from humans affecting me (namely a psychic ex-girlfriend, and from others I have wronged in the past) [PS This is a minor, minor portion of the general problem, though still real!]
That I have caused this to happen through stirring up unhappiness, and attracted it through being very fearful (I believe the profound fear I experienced in a cannabis-induced schizophrenic breakdown attracted dark spirits to me) - since the universe operated through the law of attraction and the law of cause and effect, amongst others.

I once heard a celestial voice compliment me on my powers of intellect, calling me an impressive 'psychic scientist'. I analyse my situation, and I will find a way to heal it. On one level this means changing my energetic vibration so that I attract positive spirits and interactions; this is my will. I read recently that we attract people and situations to us based on our vibration (and our vibration is derived from our inner world of thoughts and feelings). Obviously, in my really dark days of delusional jealousy with the ex-girlfriend, then encounters with what amounts to the essence of evil under schizophrenic hallucinations, I must have got stuck in a rut energetically and attracted all bad to me. - I say all bad, but it could have been worse; perhaps I got stuck with all the bad that I could attract in my days of fearful hallucinations and relatively bad karma. It's not the utmost hell, though, to put it in perspective, it sometimes is so bad that I don't like being alive.

So, I'm a psychic scientist, and I will find a cure. I will find the panacea that changes my situation and puts me on an ecstatic path of fulfilment, for the good of all.

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