Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Don't Mention The War

In writing I'm conscious of sounding insane. I'm conscious of having what I'm saying being ignored as untrustworthy because I sound insane in my verbalisations. So partly, I'm writing persuasively. I wish for the reader to believe me. Partly this is pointless, because it's experiential - either you are under psychic attack that you are convinced is real, or not - there won't be too many people reading this out of curiosity, I suppose, they will mostly be of my experiential orientation. And them I'd like to reassure that they are sane (those of my experiential groove!)
This all sounds very contorted...

Unless you know a few people in the New Age group who are professional energy healers for example, or you came into the New Age gradually and read about it, if psychic attack gets you, you are bound to be very much lost for a sane explanation. Thus it was for me for a long time. I wonder where I'll end up intellectually now.

It's pretty weird; it involves:

Spiritual Unity
Metaphysics (explaining why it's happening in the first place)
Soul Life and the Afterlife - a spiritual outlook
Energetic understandings (about subtle energy)

                - and all this you have to find out for yourself from scratch (unless you are lucky enough to discover this blog!!)

One of the biggest milestones for me was realising that I was psychic, that all of this had something to do with me being psychic. It's a drama that's playing out entirely on the psychic level; you can't measure it with a ruler.

So I'm psychic, I'm close to the spirit world, albeit partly in a negative way (they bully me). But I also hear and receive in dreams useful information - this closeness, healed, will be of value to others, in a healing or teaching capacity, and that's a great consolation.

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