Saturday, 15 May 2010


Following on from my last post, in which I called into doubt all my experience (!) I would like to extend an electronic hand of friendship, (since we're on the Internet) to those experiencing  haunting.

Experiencing haunting, you may, in this day and age - if you are not an experienced psychic - doubt yourself and wonder if you are insane.

I think it's a major calling really - it's a major Life-experience. The sad fact is that it may be hard to clear up, but I guess it also will set you on a Life-path of spirituality and awareness.
The souls gravitate towards you because of your sensitvity and the amount of Light you are putting out into the world - its a kind of compliment.

You're on a blog about schizophrenic-type symptoms. Experiencing haunting, your average doctor may well decide you are not well... You have to take sides and decide which world you belong to, for there are many worlds on and supported by our Earth. Conversely you can walk out and get exorcised by a priesthood, or cured by a witch-doctor type.

With me, I experience ordinary haunting, I hear usually two or more spirits trapped in the etheric near me, and a rather worse type of haunting from afar by spirits less well-known to me, who can exert influence over my mental activity. There are two tyes of haunting going on in my life. If you are goig through something simliar, I etxned my hand to you. I know something of the apin you may go through, and the heaviness of the weight of what is often more than harassment, and extends into - and mind the cliche of schizophrenic symptomology - persecution.

In this entry, I just want to say, yes, it's real, keep going, have courage, you can find a way through.
Psychicness can be nice, but this kind of paranormality isn't. You end up craving the normality you once knew. You can create any condition you like for yourself. You are very strong! Have faith that you can reclaim your spiritual space.

A final note: I read recently that aggression is a cry for help; no matter how authoritative your attacker or oppressor, no matter how strong they seem, in truth they are weak in their core - ask yourself what help they could use and what you could do for them.

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