It is important to be believed in. I found someone new who believes in me. This is quite outstanding.
He is an agnostic, his sister is very spiritually sensitive, and... he is my community psychiatric nurse. It's amazing! Someone from the psychiatric side of things giving credence to my story!
He didn't say it outright, but said enough to show that he considers the matter. He said he wasn't sure if I am really ill or suffering from spiritual trouble. Imagine!! I am so happy.
I think this is the first time I have heard any kind of outright corroboration like this.
So, is it possible that a person can awaken to spiritual sensitvity and show symptoms of mental illness? I say yes. What do you think?
Clearly, if you follow my beliefs, spiritual sensitivity can cause immense health problems, - spiritual sensitivity itself can cause conditions of mental illness.
I suppose this places me in the position of someone in a state of "spiritual emergency", the term from transpersonal psychology that could well indicate the future of psychology, that incoroporates all sides of humanity in mental health care.
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