Saturday, 25 April 2020

Day of Silence: A Personal Breakthrough

I hope to keep the memory of the 17 April from now on as a special day for me when I had much inner peace. Something happened on that day in this year 2020, that has really never happened to me before. 

As someone who has had psychic intrusion and inner chatter and interior adversaries, I can tell you that I find it difficult to achieve inner peace, spaciousness and calm and conscious rest, because of having a busy mind. 

Well, I am happy to write, for perhaps the first time in my Life, I felt a great mental silence and peace. I went deeper into peace than at any time in twenty years of having constrained mentality.

I can't say exactly why. I had meditated very well in the morning of that day. Something very unusual happened during the meditation. My mind was wandering, as minds can do, and I was thinking about being like a monk in my own way - having an understanding of the world and a pure heart too. At once, I noticed a visitation of a real monk, a spirit who was obviously good. So obviously good that, I noticed, his mind was emanating only silence and a closeness with God! It was very obvious to me that he was conscious and perfectly quiet and peaceful inside. He seemed serious but good. Perhaps he had lived an amazing life Earth as a monk keeping a vow of silence and had found God. He was quickly gone again, this presence took about a second and a half. I have not had this happen before, it was a very clear visitation. 

Now comes the interesting part, because I left to go and take a walk and soon found that my mind was for the first time in great stillness, which to me was like a state of grace. - Was this a blessing from God and the monk? 
I had inner peace: I had a strange kind of silence that was somehow also a mental state of that was pleasing and peaceful. I also had a sense of emotional health and emotional stability and strong dignity. I was still getting some pushes and voices from lower spirits focussing on me, but a lot less than usual, and I was just in a wonderful place in mind and feeling. 

I was walking down by the river near where I live. I had taken a folding stool, I intended to go to a quiet spot which is like a little bay under trees by the river. As soon as I got there it occurred to me that the universe was very large and present to me. I set down my stool and meditated again. I took my time there. I enjoyed again the deep peace! It is early summer here now and the weather was good and sunny. I watched the reflection of sunlight from the moving river surface lighting up the tree branches above the river, the reflected light also moved in the trees as the river flowed. People came briefly and went again as I sat quietly beneath the shade of a tree, listening to the sound of birds exchanging back and forth near me from their places in the trees around where I was. 
I had a bit of turbulence with spirits around me wishing to converse with my mind a little, but held my own. It seemed that Jesus, who I pray to, also came near me there looking after me. 
Before I left I made sure I gave thanks to have known this place at that time.

When I walked home again, on the way I felt Mary was there too, pleased with me -  I pray to her as well and feel close to her. What was actually said was that I deserved a crown in Heaven. I reserve the right to repeat those words and I share this because I think it is good to celebrate that we are celebrated for our good choices on Earth. It must be part of Life. I am also pleased with myself that I received that message and share the fact comfortably within the context of an anonymous web log. It was part of this good day. 

Also on the walk I was temporarily carrying a great fear that was not wholly natural to me but being actively stimulated by interior adversaries; I offered the fear to God's healing and felt a small moment of pure comfort and felt reassured that God had taken it away. That is a rare thing to happen to me. 

I would like to repeat that on this day there were highly valued sensations that I had not really had ever before, it was a day marked with great peace. Bearing in mind this was a medicine to someone who usually feels constrained in restfulness. I wish anyone the same good feelings, so keep up your positive thinking and positive choices and meditation.

Lastly, I would like to remember the words of one Master Isaac of Syria, who was a 7th century Christian bishop and saint, who gave the message that doing evil is like throwing sand at the sea:

"A handful of sand, thrown into the sea, is what sinning is, when compared to God’s Providence and mercy. Just like an abundant source of water is not impeded by a handful of dust, so is the Creator’s mercy not defeated by the sins of His creations."

Significantly, God is always way bigger than any of us and any evil any of us may choose to effect. That rings true to me and is a nice comfort. Whatever is opposing your wellbeing is a small force of fear in the larger picture of Life and who you are. But still, pray for peace for all.

So, that was my Day of Silence. It is a great thing to come to me, I am happy for it and I hope it is a sign that there are more good things to come. I guess you have to be open to the unexpected good of Life, because it surely comes! In other words, expect good things from Life, and be open to them coming to you.

I think that that day's events show progress that I have earned through repeated good choices and it is also the fruit of a group effort, of all the souls in Heaven who I ask to help me, whether angels or saints or spirit guides or any of the host of Heaven, and good will from anywhere on Earth or existence - and from Divine will and Love; I believe my own efforts brought me this high point, and I believe that all such high points in my Life are in some way the result of a group effort, and I am grateful. 

Wishing you magnificent peace and happiness, 

Mr. S.

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