Sunday, 26 April 2020

Change of Heart

Looking back through some old posts - I have been writing now for over ten years, which 'plots' a journey and is a good achievement - I notice a habit in my writing about the voices.

I was just reading in a book about the power of love to change lives, and about how love "does not judge or criticise." I have been heavily critical of the voices.

We have different ways of speaking about the same thing - we can be angry or generous, angry or patient, angry or kind. I would say anger is not itself an evil, it serves a purpose, but I read of it being called the poison of the world! That is, the first thing to look at and change in ourselves.

What do you call these voices? Given that spiritual scientists say it is possible to have intrusive spirit entities with us, and it is possible that these can influence our minds and being and be heard as interior voices. Given that the voice hearing experience can be based in reality, what do we call them? Naming can be a shaming and a cause of conflict - that's an archetypal human issue. We have options.

Secondly, how do you talk further in describing these voices? Mine are problematic to me, I find they are often opposing my wellbeing and sabotaging my mental strength. How do I describe them in themselves? They seem to come from a lower place than myself (or anyone I know) and are rarely in great calm and stability and normal generosity. As soon as you fix a description of someone, it is creative and begins to call forth a repetition of the pattern of its qualities. It matters what words you use to describe. If you hold a high thought, it creates a high reality in response - that's metaphysical truth of how the universe works. You can think high thoughts about the voice-beings - or about anyone.

I have been responding with criticism. Basically, getting angry with them for being harsh to me, from a place of expectation that they should understand to treat others better, just as I understand. Sometimes or quite often, when they choose their routine of deliberate hurting, I might get angry and use language choices that are harsh though seemingly appropriate to describe them. This is criticism that is not very helpful, effectively giving them back like for like (returning harshness). Praise heals a person and a relationship. It is actually going to save a situation and bring in change to look for ways to praise and leave off from criticising. Because what is happening? It is merely a moment where you have the moral high ground; in another moment, you probably might not be in the right. The idea of fairness driving the criticism I would call a kind of illusion.

You have to be very careful, I think, not to denigrate when you are angered by another, and not to label them when they do something repeatedly, because it perpetuates trouble and division and suffering. Good words change the world. That's not a new idea: I was reading about the two millennia old religion we call Zoroastrianism that has the motto to live by "Good thoughts, good words, good deeds" as a path of closeness to God.

I have to find ways to bring in peace, and I don't do that by choosing more dramatic language, more condemning language or more disrespectful language, neither do I do it by staying in what is quite volatile anger and emotion of disgust. Instead, I could be feeling patience, generosity, kindness. There are 'keys' to do this, for example the one I noticed about expectation - you can't expect everyone to have perfect moral understanding in every case (which is doing good without thought of reward and also neither doing deliberate harm nor retaliating to harms).

I understand better just recently about forgiveness and the humility it involves and how I can forgive.

Part of the problem is the Problem of Rest. If you can't move away from a social/ego threat you get worn down. It is a problem of spaciousness, having voices as I do, they are always there! People require conscious rest like they require air, food, water and love. My voices can be unloving. If I don't rest enough, which easily happens, eventually I will be unloving back. I will find a way to verbally retaliate or even intimidate somehow or criticise. This is not unique and personal to me, it is standard for anyone who does not have perfect power and control for some reason. Maybe you saw the behaviour at some stage growing up and took it on; maybe you are tired or hurt; maybe you have not reached maturity in years; maybe you didn't grow up in a utopia! I can give myself grace for that behaviour, though I would like to change it.

Recently I found that I can use ambient noise (a loud water fountain) and at the same time some quite loud music (music that is more 'neutral') and I can meditate with all that noise and get into some conscious restfulness and recharge myself. It helps because the sound is loud and more ambient. Still it's an effort to meditate and I don't like to do it every day. This method mostly stops me from hearing the interior voices, and then the mind naturally heals up a bit, which is great! Maybe you readers out there in Internetland with difficult interior voices could try this.

These days I don't call the ones talking into my brain 'devils' or demons or damned or infernal, I don't like to label them as wicked. I think those are old terms based on superstition and not psychologically literate. The ones I have known are not actual demonic beings at all, but human beings awaiting transformation by Divine Love.
I have read of them being called lower spirits, which can be useful, but even that can sound derogatory. I would advise against labelling them negative or hostile. I could call them "entities" - a common term for "uninvited auric residents" among spiritual healers - but it sounds too impersonal as they are still spirits of human beings (the ones I have had). I keep a journal, and when I write about them, I have been making myself call them venerable, out of new understanding and to bring balance. Venerable spirits! After the Buddhist tradition of seeing all life as venerable. You can. I am reschooling myself not to retaliate - part of that involves respect.

It is worth closing with a Buddhist teaching "The Five Methods for Removing Annoyance". This shares how we can hold goodwill, compassion and 'onlooking equanimity' towards those who might annoy us, while ignoring them where possible and affirming that the venerable being in question has responsibility for the effects of their choices. Doing all that we come from a high level. I have been helped a lot by this.

I hope you have benefited from this post. I am growing and beginning to see better ways of relating to the human beings I am aware of in Spirit. I see now that love is part of the release process; I think anything other than love will only bind you closer.

Saturday, 25 April 2020

Day of Silence: A Personal Breakthrough

I hope to keep the memory of the 17 April from now on as a special day for me when I had much inner peace. Something happened on that day in this year 2020, that has really never happened to me before. 

As someone who has had psychic intrusion and inner chatter and interior adversaries, I can tell you that I find it difficult to achieve inner peace, spaciousness and calm and conscious rest, because of having a busy mind. 

Well, I am happy to write, for perhaps the first time in my Life, I felt a great mental silence and peace. I went deeper into peace than at any time in twenty years of having constrained mentality.

I can't say exactly why. I had meditated very well in the morning of that day. Something very unusual happened during the meditation. My mind was wandering, as minds can do, and I was thinking about being like a monk in my own way - having an understanding of the world and a pure heart too. At once, I noticed a visitation of a real monk, a spirit who was obviously good. So obviously good that, I noticed, his mind was emanating only silence and a closeness with God! It was very obvious to me that he was conscious and perfectly quiet and peaceful inside. He seemed serious but good. Perhaps he had lived an amazing life Earth as a monk keeping a vow of silence and had found God. He was quickly gone again, this presence took about a second and a half. I have not had this happen before, it was a very clear visitation. 

Now comes the interesting part, because I left to go and take a walk and soon found that my mind was for the first time in great stillness, which to me was like a state of grace. - Was this a blessing from God and the monk? 
I had inner peace: I had a strange kind of silence that was somehow also a mental state of that was pleasing and peaceful. I also had a sense of emotional health and emotional stability and strong dignity. I was still getting some pushes and voices from lower spirits focussing on me, but a lot less than usual, and I was just in a wonderful place in mind and feeling. 

I was walking down by the river near where I live. I had taken a folding stool, I intended to go to a quiet spot which is like a little bay under trees by the river. As soon as I got there it occurred to me that the universe was very large and present to me. I set down my stool and meditated again. I took my time there. I enjoyed again the deep peace! It is early summer here now and the weather was good and sunny. I watched the reflection of sunlight from the moving river surface lighting up the tree branches above the river, the reflected light also moved in the trees as the river flowed. People came briefly and went again as I sat quietly beneath the shade of a tree, listening to the sound of birds exchanging back and forth near me from their places in the trees around where I was. 
I had a bit of turbulence with spirits around me wishing to converse with my mind a little, but held my own. It seemed that Jesus, who I pray to, also came near me there looking after me. 
Before I left I made sure I gave thanks to have known this place at that time.

When I walked home again, on the way I felt Mary was there too, pleased with me -  I pray to her as well and feel close to her. What was actually said was that I deserved a crown in Heaven. I reserve the right to repeat those words and I share this because I think it is good to celebrate that we are celebrated for our good choices on Earth. It must be part of Life. I am also pleased with myself that I received that message and share the fact comfortably within the context of an anonymous web log. It was part of this good day. 

Also on the walk I was temporarily carrying a great fear that was not wholly natural to me but being actively stimulated by interior adversaries; I offered the fear to God's healing and felt a small moment of pure comfort and felt reassured that God had taken it away. That is a rare thing to happen to me. 

I would like to repeat that on this day there were highly valued sensations that I had not really had ever before, it was a day marked with great peace. Bearing in mind this was a medicine to someone who usually feels constrained in restfulness. I wish anyone the same good feelings, so keep up your positive thinking and positive choices and meditation.

Lastly, I would like to remember the words of one Master Isaac of Syria, who was a 7th century Christian bishop and saint, who gave the message that doing evil is like throwing sand at the sea:

"A handful of sand, thrown into the sea, is what sinning is, when compared to God’s Providence and mercy. Just like an abundant source of water is not impeded by a handful of dust, so is the Creator’s mercy not defeated by the sins of His creations."

Significantly, God is always way bigger than any of us and any evil any of us may choose to effect. That rings true to me and is a nice comfort. Whatever is opposing your wellbeing is a small force of fear in the larger picture of Life and who you are. But still, pray for peace for all.

So, that was my Day of Silence. It is a great thing to come to me, I am happy for it and I hope it is a sign that there are more good things to come. I guess you have to be open to the unexpected good of Life, because it surely comes! In other words, expect good things from Life, and be open to them coming to you.

I think that that day's events show progress that I have earned through repeated good choices and it is also the fruit of a group effort, of all the souls in Heaven who I ask to help me, whether angels or saints or spirit guides or any of the host of Heaven, and good will from anywhere on Earth or existence - and from Divine will and Love; I believe my own efforts brought me this high point, and I believe that all such high points in my Life are in some way the result of a group effort, and I am grateful. 

Wishing you magnificent peace and happiness, 

Mr. S.

Divine Intervention, Divine Non-intervention: A Loving Invitation to Serve Yourself

I do a lot of thinking and a lot of reading and processing of information and I think that this blog is a good way to share the fruits of that regarding this human experience of hearing voices and feeling force of will that are identified as problematic and originating in the non-physical Spirit world. I am glad to be able to help others by sharing here - very glad! I still assert and declare the reality of the possibility of hearing voices from non-physical spirit beings or a Deity; we are multi-dimensional beings. 

Sharing information is one way of finding a way out of difficulty. Another way is for us to help each other. Another way is to call on the Spiritual Higher Power, "God", and the high spiritual agents of that Power for help. Another way is for us to help ourselves. Today, I am thinking that sometimes God is not helping us directly as we might like - either we are not open to it or God prefers to let us find our own way. Personally I am still making sense of the 'metaphysical' teachings in the world, however I believe that God likes you to be responsible for your own welfare as well, will make you do work that strengthens your spirit and will not give you everything you ask for if it is not for your higher good. But take care making your own mind up.

I like to stop and give thanks to God periodically during the day as a way of affirming to myself that Divine will is working in my Life.
Here is my prayer:

Thank you God that your plan of peace, healing, harmony and happiness is working for me and all of Life.

I pray this a few times a day and it helps settle me down if I am feeling some stress or pressure, I get peace from it. 

I do believe the Divine will is always supporting us and working for us; I believe we may need to receive the love of God as it manifests in this way, and such a prayer as the one above here helps one to be open and remember that we are not alone in Life.

It's like Saint Padre Pio said, "Pray, hope and don't worry." 
It's good when there are trials or challenges to stop, take breathing spaces during the day and give thanks like this, I recommend it. It gives peace and draws to you positive changes. 

For me, the transformation to the health of being I am wishing for is not an instant process, and if God made that happen straight away, it would be a full miraculous intervention! The healing of my Life must be proceeding according to spiritual law, and it must be that I can help myself or someone else can help me. In other words there are things I can do to help myself with spirit intrusion. 

I have tried a few times to have spiritual healing help from others and not been entirely successful so far. But I think part of the recipe for healthy living on my path is to find my own strength and ways to live in peace and harmony. This my mean doing my own energy work, and doing what I can to work on myself.

Does God give you everything on a plate? I guess not, in this respect. It must be for the best, and there must be other answers for you.