Thursday, 10 February 2011

Insight Into Psychic Well-Being vs Psychic Protection

The Creator within creation, that is who you are. The Divine Light and awareness within a human experience, that is who you are. Humanity and the material experience is awakening its awareness within your life, your body, your experience, and it is in a sense lifting up all those things that have been imbedded or bound. Then your being, the great light, the love that you work with and call forth in healing is perhaps chasing them away. Perhaps it is to dissolve, perhaps it is to leave. Do you understand? There is not a separation. Perhaps the place to look is that place that says ‘I have to control’.

[Additional reflection from Spirit: To us it is a place of where a person is sitting when they ask the question. If they are sitting in a place of saying these negative energies are coming into me, what can I do to protect myself, to transform them, what can I do…….that is a place that they are then sitting. And it is a place where there is still limitation, because they are not allowing their greater divinity to be present within that experience. They are containing their divinity within their identity. The containment again, the security. You can say I am Divine, it lives within me. I AM…….all these things you can say, but unless there is a surrender to the fullness of experiencing, of feeling of that experience, then there is a limit, a containment around it, a control of sorts. Anytime you are challenged and there is something that is not in your control, it is an opportunity to expand and surrender to the greater being that you are. At that time it is ‘go bigger’, expand, not control and protect more.]

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