Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Consequences: Why I Am Where I am

I asked myself today, what are the causes that lead to the consequences of my being psychotic and experiencing psychic attack?

The simple answer: it was using cannabis, without understanding or initiation.

I was not prepared for the potential of cannabis to cause fearful anxiety, nor for its potential to induce spiritual experiences. Both of those factors resulted in a downfall for me, as I became terribly anxious, then withdrawn, delusional and had hallucinations as the fear increased; I also opened up spiritual sensitivity - both to God and to the spirit reality. 
Cannabis can actually be a mystical aid in its spiritualising properties, and the possibilities of spiritual opening are best prepared for with some kind if teaching, to prevent paranoia and to ground a person to avoid sudden change of personality and outlook. 

As for attracting spirit attack, this could have come about through the general toxic mindset I had at the time of breakdown, being full of fear and having perceptions of evil and horrible hallucinations, and because spirits from realms of less Divine Light awareness can be drawn to those on Earth whose inner light is blossoming through spiritual awakening [I read recently that spirits can be drawn to those who are spiritually awakening].

This was supposed to be a simple post! I was just going to write that I got into this difficulty through using cannabis without knowing what it could do.

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