Friday, 3 December 2010

Report On Trip To See A Shamanic Healing Practitioner

On Wednesday 01 December I made my way across many a snowy mile of British landscape, boarding three trains and a bus, and finally, after some delays, found the home of the healer who was to help me.

A lot of time was spent talking and identifying causes of stress and obstructing beliefs, which she helped me with using various psychological techniques. This revealed a boundary problem with someone I knew, who I sometimes meet in dreams, who I have to tell to respect my space, and this relationship still causes me discomfort at the thought of it, though it ended more than a decade ago; - she later checked for etheric attachments with this person.

As I tried to explain the 'symptoms' of my condition, I could feel that she was skeptical of my account, at first not understanding what I meant by "a force coming from above and compelling my thoughts into painful avenues"! I could feel that she was incredulous of it, but as time went on, she seemed to give credence to the situation.  She said I had a nice energy, and that I was oviously being helped by some good spirits (from what I told her).

Passing her hand over my aura to look for problems, I felt her hand's energy interactting with mine in a 'tingling' way, and when I told her this, the healer said that I must be super-sensitive to energies.
She cleared a large blockage she sensed to be 'above' me (in my aura, I presume - I wondered if this was from being unhappy with my spiritual sensitivity). She used a special burning wood to clear the aura.

The lady works with old Incan spiritual medicine, and during the healing, I had visions of Incan-type people looking at me, who wore large vertical crowns, as if they were spiritual royalty coming to supervise the healing. I also saw the head of a piece of wheat very  clearly, which I hope was there as a sign of health. During a moment when I was told to project pain outisde of me onto a special stone that she would later 'clear' of pain, I saw two faces of suffering spirits, who were again Incan in genealogy - their energy was very 'heavy'.

I was still getting signs of  spirit presence whilst in her house, and still getting painful tuggings at my thoughts during the shamanic healing part of the session. I said to her at the end, "Is there an instant fix?" and she said, "This work I do is the best instant fix that I have found". My point was that she hadn't released the spirits around me or banished the negativity from my awareness where I have been interacting negatively with the World of Spirit.
However, she said that certain practices weaken the aura by thinning it out, such as drinking alcohol or taking drugs. She gave me four important pieces of advice:
  1. Take care of the aura by avoiding alcohol and drugs, which through making the aura thin and more ethereal, make a person more attractive to wandering spirits.
  2. Ground: connect to the Earth through imagination and visualisation every day. This helps the aura be strong.
  3. Keep a sense of humour and not feel drained immediately every time there is an unwelcome psychic interaction.
  4. Be commanding and assertive. We identified that the problems I was having (uninvited spirits in my living space and mental intrusions) were essentially boundary issues to do with personal power on an energetic level. I realised that I don't like being commanding. She recommended that I pray something like the following the prayer: "O God, it is commanded that I have personal space...", so that the command is in the "third person" and cannot be argued with by my mind.
I was saddened that there was no instant fix. That's an eye-opener, isn't it? It puts the emphasis on personal effort. But I still have faith that others specialising in spirit release and psychic attack may be able to help me (of which there are such people, I have found).

I know that the healing and conversation helped me. The talking therapy helped me be stronger, and the shamanic healing was comforting, as she sang songs to the spirits for help. Lying in bed today, I was happy when I sensed a strong and kind Incan spirit come near to pay attention to  me.

I am determined to ground regularly now. I can find visualising difficult, but I will do this. I have begun imagining standing on a large white flower (a chrysanthemum), with a red, grounding glow inside it. I have also imagined my feet wrapped in a red light, like the colour of the lava deep within the Earth. It may take me some time to build up to more advanced visualisations, but I feel like what I am doing now is useful.

Yesterday was a good experience. The person who looked after me was sharply clever, well-trained, funny and strong; I was impressed by her sensitivity and connection with Spirit.

So I must become stronger, more commanding, more self-disciplined, and make efforts to preserve my health. In a few days I will receive some new books on spiritual self-care that I ordered online. It's time to gain some expertise.

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