Sunday, 28 November 2010

Spirit Attachment And Spirit Release: What Can Be Done?

I read about earthbound spirits on a website, where it was saying you don't necessarily need to go to someone to help you with the attachment. The article (read it here, and scroll down to the section entitled "Earthbound Spirits") seems to suggest that the spirits can be talked to and encouraged to cross over by you yourself, you don't need to go to a medium to do the same thing for you, usually - unless the spirits are unusually disturbed. The author uses the words 'unstable' and 'distraught' to describe some spirits who may need a degree of counselling before they move on to the Light. In other words, if, like me, your resident ghosts are reasonable and calm, you can try encouraging them verbally (and emotionally) to cross over to the next world. It seems that the principle barrier for earthbound souls between them and their deserved heaven is their emotions - first emotional release, then spirit release. The author says that most people make it over to the world of spirit on their own without a problem.

I spent hours last night looking for information on spirit release. Exactly how is it done?, I was wondering, and what can I do to help these souls, I asked myself impatiently, for want of help from others?

There are books by psychologists on techniques of spirit release involving hypnotherapy, which seem to extend to putting someone in a trance and giving the spirit-person in question the chance to voice their concerns and be counselled, so that they can loosen their attachments to Earth and move on.

There are books by mediums about spirit release, but with little information as to how you or I at home can do it for ourselves, - at least that's what the book reviews by ordinary people seemed to be saying.

I was angry and a little in despair at this.What do you do?

But there is information online, to this effect:
  • Send them love
  • Tell them to go to the light
The love strengthens and heals them, the direction to go to the Light is an encouragement and what they need to know and do.

You can see a medium, who works with people in spirit to help the earthbound people in spirit to get Home to where the Light is and where their family and friends are. I read on one site a medium saying you have to do this with a medium, it is not possible alone, but I don't exactly follow this, I prefer what the other person says as discussed above (the author of the article quoted at the top of this post is a professional psychic medium as well), which is that we ordinary people, without easy contact with guides and angels to help us can move the spirits on through our encouragement and forgiveness and love.

Essentially the earthbound spirit, through your help or through the help of a professional,
  • gains the confidence to move on
  • changes in what they feel, from a majority of fear-based emotion to a majority of love-based emotion, and peace, they become positive in outlook; it is an opening of the heart that the earthbound spirit-people will undergo
  • releases attachment to Earth and its people, things and animals and opportunities for satisfaction, under the assurance that all good is in the Light, and that when they move on and cross over they will be whole and happy and provided for in every way (as if in a more perfect world, Heaven).
Lastly, you yourself will be no less whole when they are gone. It is probably best not 'converse' with them in an ordinary way, but to reduce communication and help them as described above (Send them love, direct them to go to the Light).

Don't forget, if you live in the UK (or the US?), you can always go to your local spiritualist church for advice on releasing spirits stuck near you - and that won't cost you any money.

Also, spirit release for some professionals who practice it and write about it, is a solemn process, because of the great importance and meaning of the release. It really is a great good deed, beyond words.


I have just been looking at the Spirit Release Foundation website. They run training for people to become spirit release practitioners (click this link to go to their training information webpage). This is something I feel very interested in, as a good thing to be done for the world - and probably useful for my own well-being too; however I wouldn't wish to go to a course meeting until I am fully free of 'attachments', since I would have trouble concentrating, and it could be quite embarrassing if someone detects earthbound spirit presence around me!


Just read through an article on the SRF website (linked here), written from quite a scientific perspective (probably interesting to my scientific readership), called "Spirit Attachment and Human Health", and this article shares information on spirit release techniques (which is ironic, since I've just complained about a lack of specific information on it on the web!) The article reminds me - you can also pray for relatives of the spirits stuck near you, (and their angels and guides) to come from the Light and guide their dear one Home. - I read that elsewhere as a techinique you or I can do.
 It has also occurred to me that prayer repeated at certain times every day (or at least with some regular frequency) will be enormously helpful in bringing a solution to become manifested.

I have prayed a few times for the spirit-people remaining near me, as follows:

Please help these spirits to be Heavenly, so that they may experience Heaven wherever they are, until they are fully reunited with You in awareness.
Thank you, Amen.

The prayer for them to be Heavenly is a reference to their emotions, that they may feel all goodness in order to be  near God, wherever they are, and to bring them nearer to God at the same time so they can go Home more easily.

Good luck in your desire to be free and happy.
You can do something about it.

PS During this post, the earthbound spirit-person near me named Mohammad has been praising me ( - "Well done," he said, on two occasions, as I researched spirit release).


  1. I agree with your point of view of this article. This is a good article. Very timely given us so much useful information. Thank you Healers in London

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