Sunday 28 November 2010

Shamanism: My Clarification

I wish to make the note that shamanism, where I mention it as being a source of help with spirit-originated mental disturbance, is a form of healing through mediation and interaction with the World of Spirit.

I'm not an expert on shamanism. I was spiritually told to seek shamanic help with my situation of painful thought disturbance. As I have encountered it in the UK, shamanism is about healing. However, I know in some parts of the world, shamanism extends into sorcery and psychic warfare between practitioners or individuals in the community.

I guess shamanism, for the spirits in Heaven, is supposed to be a benign thing that does not injure unnecessarily or override personal freedom on any level, a system of practice that heals and teaches and brings happiness, - a system of spiritual medicine of the Light and in service of the Light. That's the shamanism I'm referring to on this blog.

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