Sunday, 28 November 2010

Don't Stress On It: Metaphysics and Manifestation: Daring Religious Reflections

Don't Stress On It


Metaphysics and Manifestation:

Imagine that we live in an endless 'soup' of possibilities that respond to our thoughts and feelings. Our thoughts and feelings give us a certain vibration that attracts back to us outside the mind a reality equivalent with the vibration our free minds emit. Experience is changeable and 'plastic'. When we purify our minds and marshal our thoughts, miracles happen.



Yesterday I was wondering about the causes of my troubles - where the misfortune came from and why I am the subject of a spirit vendetta.

Then I came to the conclusion that I should not be overly concerned about causes. My mental scenario began before I learned of the spiritual teachings about manifestation, - that is, about personal creativity as an experiencing member of the Divine Body.
There are two principle modes of personal creation: unconscious direction of the manifestation of one's experience, and conscious manifestation of experience. Conscious manifestation requires the right understanding and the application of it through careful cultivation of one's mental self. There is much literature to be found detailing this process.

It requires clarity, passion, persistence and faith to manifest a desired condition purely from thought force. I have not done it yet, but see it as a worthy goal; Neale Donald Walsch's God implies that it is a major goal of life for an individual to know themselves as creative. [In my perspective, I agree, we can be creators; if you are wondering how it is that we have God's power, think about this: God made us, so we are divine because our origin is in God, though God is Divine (capital D, always having greater power and glory).]

My point here is that all the paranormal trouble began before I took care over every thought (a habit which manifests good fortune), so it's not something to worry about, all this is a consequence of normal ignorance, and ignorance of the importance of a mind of love, rather than a mind of fear or resentment.


So many sources say that Life is all about Love.

- That can be a wildly different perspective to the perspective our culture may hold, at least commonly (religions often teach that Life is about love or righteousness - the good deed, the righteous deed, is full of love). The message of Love is the message that resounds within our hearts and brings us peace and comfort.

The New Testament of the followers of Jesus of Nazareth called the Messiah [full title!] says that

"Deus caritas est : et qui manet in caritate, in Deo manet, et Deus in eo;"

                          ...that is: "God is love: and who lives in Love, lives in God, and God lives in them." (Again, the implication is that love is 'Godliness', or 'righteousness').

Likewise, the New Testament says that "Perfect Love casteth out fear."

Neale Donald Walsch's God says Life as we know it is based around two polarities, Love and fear, of which fear is ultimately an illusion that permits Creation to be [Imagine! Fear is just an illusion! The implication of this is that truly, love is all there is and so everything is perfect], and that at the Highest level, all blends into One and there is only Love.
So when I was younger and unknowing and was very afraid or very unloving, I brought to myself a frightening reality and a reality without a strong awareness of love. And that's Okay. I was creating, I just didn't know it. Now I know it in fact, and seek to express in reality that fact, that I am made a creator, in God's image and likeness, sharing in God's power, living in Love, and living in God.

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