Thursday, 25 November 2010

Moving On: I Will Be Seeing A Trained Shamanic Healer. [Very Important Post! Read This Beauty...]

Next week I will be seeing a prestigious shamanka (female shaman) from London. Wish me luck! I will report back on the results; it's bound to bear fruit for me.

I am doing what I was told to do by the world of spirit - "Seek shamanic help", I was told when praying for help one day.

Traditionally, (according to Wikipedia), the shaman or shamanka is a healer and a mediator with the world of spirit.

PS I read yesterday that in the old days of the New Testament, the language for "oppressed by a devil" and "possessed by a devil" was the same - they used the same word for it, for someone sufficiently under the power of a malicious spirit to be oppressed by such a being. The sensation of control/possession is twofold: the feeling that the spirit has a 'lock' on me the way fighter planes can do with each other; the ability the spirits have to pressure my thinking one way or another. I wonder if the first control, the sense of being connected is to do with something happening outside the aura, like the spirit is influencing me through the aura; last night I projected my influence outside my aura space, banishing the spirit in the name of Jesus, and it seemed to clarify things, my mind felt noticeably lighter. Anyway, I'm sure this sounds confusing! I'm still just an amateur in my knowledge and special safety techniques. However I had read about overshadowing just prior to these new ideas on safety: is this a case of overshadowing that the spirit who is oppressing me can influence my thoughts? I had read, "Overshadowing is where spirit wrap themselves around the medium's aura in order to impress their thoughts and personality." (my underlining) [See Sarah Tyler-Walters' Website Voices of Spirit]. Usually this happens in a controlled way by experienced mediums surrendering themselves to the spirit world for a purpose, but what if it is a forced happening? The website says that such things cannot happen without permission, but I doubt this. Back to the safety tips, I had the sense that the top of my aura had some heaviness around it - heavy emotion and a heavy feeling too - is this how the spirit 'attacker' makes himself known? As I said, it seemed to work to direct flame-bright light in large quantities and use the name of Jesus to discourage the presence and influence of the spirit.

[↓Read This Bit ↓]

OMG Excuse me for 'shouting' and swearing at the same time, I have just found a blog entry at called Spiritual Possession that backs up what has been said here on this post and on this blog. Take note that she says people with schizophrenia were once thought to be possessed with a devil (ie also oppressed by 'devils', see above part of this Post Script).
First quote from her post:
"However I do need to add it is possible, to those who are spiritually aware, to experience a mild to quite severe spiritual attacks or unnerving experiences carried out on them by a spirit who is either cloaked in their own darkness (hell of their own making) or they are lost souls seeking help. These can be malignant spirit people and are often themselves in a confused and disturbed state of mind."
Second quote from her post:
"In the worst case scenario, vulnerable people can be over shadowed by a spirit person giving the feeling they are being Demonic Possessed, this is however very rare. Demonic possession to all intents and purposes is the ability for a bad spirit to have an effect on an individuals mind. This can vary from mild sensations to a spirit being able to over shadow to the extent of taking control of the mind for a time, but not the body."

Third quote from her post on afterlife transition and earthbound spirits:
"I know a lot of people believe that when you pass into the next world you go into a beautiful light. That is mostly true. But some don’t. Usually those who feel that they have unfinished business or are not at peace enough to let their earthly ties go. Sometimes spirit people get stranded because they died very traumatically and on a very rare occasion, they don’t fully realise that they have died."
These quotes were from Margaret West's blog; she is apparently a fully proficient psychic medium specialising in trance - someone who "knows"!

Phew. This is immensely important for me. I put into words what I think is happening to me and then find someone else's expert testimony supporting everything I've gone through. I left her this comment:
  • Hi, You don't know how helpful that post was in validating my experience!

    I have had painful intrusion into my mind every day for ten years. I have come through schizophrenia after excessive use of cannabis and now am left with this remaining condition - that the doc calls psychosis (because he absolutely claims that there is no sixth sense).

    Thank you so much for this. You don't know what it means! I have written a hundred or so posts on my blog describing and defending what happens to me, as well as offering tips for anyone else in this "very rare" position you describe, of harmful overshadowing. I am seeing someone next week who may be able to help me (shamanic tradition).

    Thank you so much. I will be following your blog!

    Yours anonymously,

    Mr S
Wow. Thank you Margaret. That's Margaret West's Blog, Connecting With Spirit. Follow her blog!

Guess I officially have to look into 'overshadowing' now.

PPS I also read something which makes it look like I have been making a mistake in my terminology: that there is a difference in meaning between the terms 'psychic' and 'medium':
  • a person who is psychic is sensitive to energies around people and places
  • a person who is mediumistic can make contact with celestial beings at will for information.
I guess I'm between the two, being psychically sensitive and able to hear the voice of Heaven and spirits stuck on Earth, although I don't have full interaction with my guide so as to be able to get any information at will like TV mediums do.

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