Saturday, 21 August 2010

Spiritual Help

I have spiritually seen Mother Teresa near me, once, though I had not asked for her help; similarly I have seen Padre Pio near me, though I had not asked for his help. (When people ascend to Heaven, they love to serve those of us on the Earth plane). Also Swami Yogananda came near me one day, I could dimly see and sense where he was in the room, and I clearly heard his voice say that he would help me by warding off evil.

So I am helped.

Plus there is something like a legion of helpers who are with me every day, laughing and joking with me about every little ordinary thing. I can say that I have friends from Heaven, who I have sent out loving thoughts to by way of appreciation of their Earthly work, who have come to me and are in attendance to me daily, and these friends were often famous people when alive! This is real.
I also have family members in spirit who intermingle with the other celestial friends in being by my side and making me cheerful and making me feel loved. So thanks to all of them.

Now then, we come to an interesting matter.

I have read of angels that are supposed to come and 'clear' your spiritual space when requested, for example the Archangel Michael, or the Archangel Azrael. Archangel Michael is a very popular spiritual force among new spiritual movements today, however getting his help is not so easy. I now tend to believe in angels, but think that archangels are a biblical invention. (There energies may be real though, because of many people believing in them - a complicated idea, but apparently this can happen).
I like thinking of angels, its strengthening, but I haven't been noticeably helped by them when I've asked for protection.

The biggest amount of prayers have gone out to God. Spiritual problem, spiritual solution. Well, God has not interned to stop this spiritual intrusion into my mind.
Recently I looked back through some journals I wrote when I first got ill, and for some years prayers for intervention were very common on those pages; re-reading them I felt bitter. This is a problem - wishing for help, needing help, and getting no help.
Why doesn't God help? I read God said he will not help if we can help ourselves. Since I cannot help myself in these matters, it must be that some other human can help.
Secondly, I realised that God knows what's best for me. They say that if you don't get something you wish for, then it must be in your best interests not to have it. Also, in the Christian Bible it says that God knows what we need before we ask for it. In other words, again, God knows what's good for us; there's comfort in thinking that God is fully aware of whatever trials and suffering we may be going through.
Some say that all Creation is God, so when you suffer, God is right there with you; although the Divine Spirit that is God is beyond suffering, It is absolutely aware of what we experience.
It's very difficult when God does not take away pain and tribulation, but I suppose when things are like that, we have to try something else.

It's a comfort to think that everything changes, that change finds every situation, so that either the condition leaves me, or, eventually, I leave the condition!

Metaphysically speaking, whatever we focus on grows. We are naturally creative, and we are always creating. Better then not to dwell on difficulty when we can avoid it, but to change the subject and focus our minds on some promising new direction in our lives. (This is metaphysical teaching, not my opinion).

Lastly, the fact that God does not intervene when asked, even if he is 'supposed' to, according to spiritual texts, says something. It says something about the texts and it says something about God, Life and the World. It says that the world is a powerful place, and calls us to be powerful too. It says that, surely, if God does not help, that we can help ourselves, that we are strong enough. We are strong enough to face this! It is very important that we develop the mind of the victor, of the powerful one, and not of the victim, the one who loses again and again. It is essential that we cultivate powerfulness by admiring our strengths, congratulating ourselves on our bravery, surrounding ourselves with positive imagery, by speaking positively, and by affirming that God has made us with some of his own Almighty Spirit inside. We are powerful.

I suppose I have something to learn about power. Psychic attack is essentially a power struggle, a solar plexus chakra issue, dealing with ways of relating to others, and it teaches good ways to hold our divine power. The ideal is to raise our energy, to not be angry and push and pull in aggression, but to flow and come from the heart. Jesus says that God is perfect, that God's heart is always open to us, and that when our hearts are open even to those who wish to be an enemy, then we are perfect too [The Sermon On The Mount]. As I deal with this life issue of psychic attack, I will surely increase my awareness of my own power.

We do not defeat a monster by fearing it, but by summoning our own heroism to the surface. Psychic attack by spirits could be seen as a scary reality, but it is one I have to deal with. I can get help from other people, where they are spiritual adepts, but this is very much a reality I have to deal with. Good luck finding your power and your heroic self.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the article about the diagnosis of schizophrenia. Yeah if we are mentally strong then we can never face these types of problems. Can you tell me what the symptoms of famous schizophrenics are?
