Thursday, 26 August 2010

Hierarchy Of Credibility

Today I'm going to write about a hierarchy of credibility when talking about my condition and abilities.

"The more paranormal the subject you are describing, the more careful you must be in order to seem sane to others!"

The topic of this post came to me as I was thinking about my condition. Simply put, it's easiest to talk about the most accessible areas of my experience first, this forms the base of the hierarchy, which we could say is in the shape of a pyramid. The next layer up is smaller, less accessible, and finally the highest layer is smaller still, and is the least credible reality.

  • The Base: Something believable to many, thanks to the likes of Colin Fry and Gordon Smith and so on; I can tell people that I know my deceased dad is around me in spirit every day. In further detail, I can say that I believe it is possible to stay in touch with the departed, and describe mediumship as a natural ability available to all, and I can say that my family and friends in Heaven are around me in spirit every day. This is a common spiritualist reality, and not too challenging for others to take in if they themselves are reasonable beings but not very actively spiritual. In summary: I am in touch with the departed (and hear their voices in my mind).
  • Layer 2: Okay so I may have neglected to say about the Base Level that I am in close contact with Person X and Person Y who were famous in their lifetimes and who are serving me in their continuing mission of Love from their celestial vantage points... but that may vary on how open a person seems to be to my description of the base Level scenario. Now on to Layer 2...: Usually accounts of this layer may be reserved for curious and disbelieving close family, for people in the spiritualist community (I mean those of Spiritualist Churches) and thirdly for spiritual healing professionals, such as the local 'shaman' / Reiki practitioner / crystal healer. These people I tell: I have ghosts around me (and I can hear their voices in my mind).
  • Layer 3: controversial. OK, mediumship; OK, ghosts. Not too bad, not too incredible: mediumship is part of our culture now, and ghosts have been part of our common folklore seemingly forever. Now we get controversial, and the territory is not very clearly mapped out, the territory is hard to describe to others. Baffling to interested close family, and disbelieved, refuted by the psychiatrist - and even by some spiritual healing practitioners (one I saw). I experience disturbance at the mental level from some spirits. [I won't call them lower spirits, or refer to them as being of the 'Dark Side' (the darker portion of the spirit world), nor will I call them demons for convenience, these are spirits of human beings created by the same God as created me]. This part of our culture has passed into the realms of forgotten and shunned superstition, and as a result there is no kind of credence for it commonly in society and formally in medicine. Which is OK, in ways - less superstition can be a good thing - but less safety is not a good thing. So one spiritual healing practitioner could not see in my aura any signs of attack; but another was able to notice signs of interference to two of my chakras (to the crown and solar plexus chakras). (Why the discrepancy between the observations of the two healing professionals? It is mysterious; of course I side with the person who was able to detect signs of attack, corroborating my inner experience).

There are no other layers to this pyramid.
I am lucky that the spirit disturbance is not worse than it is. It's like a serious form of annoyance, a form of psychic attack. Although in disturbing my thoughts the spirits 'possess' my thinking, they do not fully 'possess' me. Secondly the degree of evil could be worse: the attack is focused on me to injure me, but its evil is not often extreme.

It has been valuable to me to clarify this hierarchy, I hope you benefit from it too. Although things can seem incredible, they can still be true. In a world of divided belief, you must stand up for what is real to you, and you must find someone able to help you, of whom there are many.

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