Saturday, 3 July 2010


This is one that's going to get alarm bells going, too, telepathy - but I think it's far more common than most assume.

I realise that I get a lot of unidentified telepaths speaking in my mind every day.
Senders and receivers. Apparently we all fall into one of those two camps.
I must be a sender, because I get a lot of people hearing me. I get a lot of response to thoughts - flirty, funny, friendly or critical. Any of these can be intrusive - or not - but the critical ones will obviously be more likely to put a spanner in the works emotionally. Yes, being psychic can be fun, if you are 'alone', you can be laughing away because there's someone else there to share the joke!! Which, guess what, can look or sound crazy, and has embarrassed me, or nearly embarrassed me a number of times.

The amount of telepathy I get means that there must be a lot of telepathic people out there. I can sense, or figure out, that who I am hearing in my mind is mortal and not discarnate or celestial. You can just always tell. Celestial ones are loving, other spiritual ones are likely irritable or hostile, and earthly ones - I don't know, but I can tell that they're mortal.

Apparently everyone is telepathic. Apparently the telepathic centres are the meridians that run along the upper sides of the head.
Where thought goes, there energy follows is the famous saying. If you think of someone negatively, you will affect their mood - that's a telepathic effect.

It's hard to substantiate, but I think that I am so telepathic that I can cause others to awaken by being around them, and this is to do with the energy of intrusion that comes from hostile spirits. In public they can seek to shame me by causing telepathic connection with those I am around, whilst communicating a strong suggestion that I am unworthy. - That's painful, and sounds strange, but it's something that happens very often, and I think it contributes to my social phobia.
One person I was around for a while I later heard thinking "Am I mad?", as I had triggered an awakening in them; on another occasion I heard someone thinking the same thing, after spending a couple of hours in the same room with them and others during a turbulent inner conflict.

Again, I feel that last group of statements was a little weak in authority as testifying to something true and real (at the point where I was able to say that I had heard others thinking). This happens. It's the essence of telepathy!
When you hear the voices of celestial people, that's telepathy. When you hear the voices of ghost-people and hostile spirit-people in the etheric, that's telepathy.

I heard my brother thinking, not so long ago. He was going through a tough time, a personal crisis, and I heard him thinking "Who am I?" in an anguished way. I asked him about this later that night... and he confirmed it to me. This is quite a rare thing, a confirmed case of telepathy. That's a good thing to me personally, because I often feel a gap in authority when I'm telling him (and my mother) about my esoteric experiences of spiritual sensing - I suppose ever since I used to say irrational thing in the early stages of my schizophrenia; things like a confirmed instance of telepathy help my credibility with them.
They won't, for instance, believe that my once-deceased, passed-over, 'dead' father, now in  Heaven, can be a pain in the back end quite often, in telling me what to do - that's not how spirits are supposed to act, they say. Maybe they aren't supposed to act that way, but they do! I get a sense of his presence, feel his irritation, and even get interference with what I am doing (most frequently a blocking of my creativity when I am playing the keyboard and he thinks I should be doing other things with my time). Quite satisfying that I now get to publicly get my own back and have a go at my dad in this post...

So, telepathy, very common among the population. There you go - and everyone's telepathic, that's how the universe works, just more or less noticeably.

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