Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Stumbled Across A Great Online Article

I found this article online about psychic attack that corroborates what I'm going on about here.

The essence of my condition is suffering caused by psychic attack. That's how I see it. That's emphatically what seems real to me.

The writer of the article confirms how 'schizophrenics' may be found to suffer from astral harassment.

With me however, I don't perceive any help from invoking higher powers, nor from using crystals or flower essences (though I haven't given up on them). These are quite significant forces I deal with (but I know, it could be worse, it's not absolute hell for me).

I've been thinking about this today, thinking, Why am I attracting harmfulness and rough treatment? In a world governed by the Law of attraction, I must have given some cause for this.

When I got ill I was in a deep relationship that I broke off very suddenly, because it was causing me much stress. After that I had my schizophrenic breakdown and encounter with darkness on a hallucinatory basis, and was ever after under a cloud of negativity. The person I was deeply involved with was very psychic (for a non-professional), and I have often attributed to them that they held a grudge towards me.
I did a healing ceremony today, on my own, and this person came into my awareness so clearly that I could feel their energy, and the healing brought up the history between us, and the requirement that it should be released. This is a person I have heard, telepathically, cursing me. I think it likely that this entire condition has its seeds in that other person's motive of resentment towards me - but I started it, through leaving her in an impersonal way.
A very interesting thing, the attachment with her that my healing ceremony raised.
My current theory is that this person's intense resentment post break-up served as a contagion to attract to me astral persecution. I just read about something called live haunting, which can happen when there is a problematic attachment between two people in a love relationship after they break up.
This relationship has taught me a lot about being responsible with another's heart (and my own); I figure that the massive psychic attack saga I have been through has taught me a lot about handling other beings gently, and being merciful and gracious - simply through being ingrained by  the opposite dynamic and opposing that.

I liked the validation of this article. Looking up online, I was glad to see so many entries, and so many useful ones too.

There are many forms of self-defense, but in my opinion, you really have to find the right person to help you, just as the author of the article linked above suggests.
I've found a couple of people I'm pretty sure may be able to finish this all off for me, but haven't called as yet, principally through busyness... and my social phobia that makes me averse to using the phone with strangers.

So I hope one day none of us will be haunted anymore and we will all be able to get on with our lives in peace...

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