Thursday, 22 July 2010

"Delusions Of Reference": What It's Like On The Inside

Delusions of reference, as I understand it, is when you watch TV or films, or listen to music or the radio etc, and think that there is some personal communication going on between you and the media involved, when there isn't.

When I get this, I feel a surge of force coming in apparently from outside me, with hostile intent attached to said force, and then some negativity will leave me like an arrow fired from a bow - and the negativity will be some very deprecating observation intended to cause emotional injury, and this apparent communication occurs more on a dimension of knowing than on a verbal telepathic basis.

OK, so in the spiritual outlook, people have varying degrees of sensitivity. Some people may be aware of being stared at from behind (the famous scenario when you're sitting on the bus/train and feel someone reading your newspaper over your shoulder). Some people may be responsive to others brooding over their personal faults. Some people can go through life, living three score and ten years, and never have a psychic spiritual experience of any kind. Then you have Colin Fry, Gordon Smith, Derek Acorah - the fully-functioning mediums, people born with great spiritual sensitivity. Me? I claim to be clairaudient, and disagree that 'hearing voices' is always a sign that a brain is malfunctioning and producing perceptual distortions/auditory hallucinations. I also believe in telepathy, which is some form of direct mind-to-mind communication. Most often it is supposed to occur under episodes of heightened emotion, and even then it depends upon someone sensitive to 'send' the thought. With me, I feel psychically 'naked' in public, as if my telepathic side is broken, and some of my mental energy is forced out of me. This is more pronounced when watching television, listening to radio and so on, and I most often have a sense of interference so that a hostile energy causes me to make a telepathic connection. I usually feel that some connection is made, so I avoid mass media, to keep my karma good (!!).

If you were following this, I may have lost you in the last paragraph. Surely if everyone schizophrenic is watching a TV program, they can't all be telepathically communicating with, say, the presenter?
Well, I can only say that the interference of  a hostile person seems real, the negativity most likely feels like it does engage with the intended person. [By the way, the same interference on a knowing level occurs to injure me, normally, when the disturbance is more distant than 'local' (local being negative interactions with 'ghosts' around me)]. I wish it were not so. I like watching TV and films at will, but I abstain, partly because I believe that a disturbance is happening, and partly because I don't like the experience of having intrusion and interference. I don't think that my situation is so common. When I have these moments of intrusion and manipulation of my mind, the forces involved are very powerful. Likewise, when I am in public, the forces I feel around my mind are very powerful. It could well be that I am a powerful sender of thoughts, and my spiritual awareness is certainly high enough to allow that (already being open to Spirit in clairaudience etc), and my sensations of psychic nakedness would help any interference and direct mind-to-mind communication to occur.

I believe there could be a correlation between psychic sensitivity and schizophrenia. I believe a lot of schizophrenic people are actually psychic, powerfully psychic and often psychic in a dysfunctional way. Being ignored in this by medical helpers is a barrier to wellness - obviously the doctor might think a person is much more ill than they are if they seem to be experiencing massive psychic traffic and they count that as psychosis.

Have you seen "The Men Who Star At Goats"? All of this would have been taken seriously by them! They would have had me in their division!

I read recently that communication is telepathic, and that when we meet each other face-to-face, we join in an energetic way, and have a higher sense of knowing about each other, so we can consciously easily guess what the other is feeling, guess how their mood is and how they feel about themselves in terms of self-love and self-esteem.
I actually get interference to my face-to-face communication, so that others' first impressions of me may be negative, because of the negativity coming through me from outside. In this way I am quite mediumistic, and like a 'channel'  - it expresses not just within my mind but externally in my physical self, my eyes and face and even movements.
As I said above, there is psychic nakedness; I feel as if some mental shell is removed and damaged in me, ordinarily (presumably from intensive cannabis abuse around the age of 18). Combined with a powerful negative emotionality watching over me, it is no wonder that I feel self-conscious in public and prefer to remain at home, where I feel psychologically comfortable and more natural. This nakedness is to be noted as a significant aspect of the condition. It is a hyper-sensitivity, and probably the reason why I can feel actively watched and interfered with by the hostile ones who I believe are spirit-people, (people who were once alive in dense form on Earth and now have died, left the body and spiritually are in part-ascension and choosing to disrupt mortal life on Earth). There is a shell missing, so there is easy intrusion.

OK, this has likely been a taxing read. Quite an intricate group of statements. Class dismissed! For now...
I hope this has been helpful to the reader, providing insight into the life of the 'schizophrenic' person.

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