Monday, 19 July 2010


How did I get into this situation?

1) Logical answer: cannabis use - either a) caused insanity or b) opened me up to spiritual trouble.
2) Metaphysical answer: I chose this myself, bringing about a crisis of spiritual attack to bring myself closer to my soul.
3) Karmic answer: I have the Devil's own karma and am suffering spiritual attack for my sins.
4) Innocence answer: I am like a wounded lamb in the flock of humanity, easy prey to 'wolves' through no fault of my own.
5) Destiny answer: I planned this from before I was born.
6) Creationist answer: some thought or feeling has magnetised this situation to me.
7) Spiritual cause and effect: I have caused some spirits offense, and they are attacking me out of anger.

About these answers:
3) I for one do not believe in a karmic system that punishes.
4) There's martyrdom and there's martyrdom. Maybe this comes into it, through the sheer volume of attack - I did recently here a celestial spirit call me a martyr (it seemed to be someone's guide that spoke to me as I passed the person, a stranger; I do not doubt the reality of this occurrence). This is not m7y main theory however, that this whole episode of my life is meaningless, just an accident of fate because I am or was vulnerable.
5) Difficult. Some people I've read persuade me that we sometimes choose to suffer, for our higher good, or for the higher good of all. I think though, why would we choose to suffer, if we could choose anything, if we could develop through joy? My opinion is that the possibility of all this was accounted for, but this was not actually planned.
1) Who could argue with this answer? I would just argue over whether or not it's a situation of paranormal nature, or pure insanity.
2) This is tempting, but it's gone on for about ten years with little change, and been fairly merciless at times - though no doubt, it has brought me closer to my soul.
6) I went through states of profound fear and strong negativity, and so did others around me - I think this is the strongest argument, that there is some 'thought-form', as some call them, that has attracted my situation to me. The theory is that every being is creative, and thoughts and feelings we have magnetise people and situations to us - well, in the main, the thing is that I've attracted some vengeful spirits to me, who I seem to have offended, though I don't know how. That's the impression that I get, that I offended them, somehow.
So 7), which was a post-script is probably also relevant, though they may be attacking me just through their own hostility.

No one clear answer, in my opinion, but I lean most strongly towards 6).

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