Where is the line between believing you are in the world of the paranormal and being, actually, in the realm of paralunacy?
I remember seeing a healer who 'turned off' the moment I began to talk about the finer points of telepathy. You may have the same reaction, now...: there is a force that impels my mind to make telepathic connection and it is very strong. I get hijacked by malevolent spirits. They say where thought goes, there energy follows, and well, I stopped watching TV and listening to live music a few years ago. I felt the spirits were polluting others' awareness through me, which isn't a nice situation to be in, to be a bearer of that energy.
I guess I could use this page for confession, seeing as it's anonymous; the hijacking of my mind, which is obviously telepathically 'switched-on' and susceptible to interference, has caused me great feelings of guilt, because of the darkness that previously came through me, before I abstained from those aforementioned media.
Crazy, huh?
I guess there have always been people of experience, and people who ask them, "Is this true?" Just nowadays, in the developed urban world, the orthodox tends to ask "Is this true?" in a way that discredits experience, rather than seeking to be sure of it and verify it. The skeptics are the orthodox, but the people of experience still keep rolling on. Still, telepathy like I have known must be pretty unusual.
Apparently, some people are senders and other people are receivers. I do 'hear', in the special clairaudient way, but I guess I am a powerful sender, and this faculty is open to exploitation.
Paralunacy or paranormality? What you believe depends partly on your experience and the teachings you have received - and beyond that depends on how much you can maintain an open mind and open heart.
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