Thursday, 26 September 2019

What Do You Do When Your Natural Psychic Defences Are Compromised?

I have been reading about a battle that has been going on for ages on Earth between light and dark. There are spiritual beings that act to harm humans incarnate on Earth. I now call those spiritual beings "lower astral entities".

I have been given a lifetime where I am coming into awareness as sharing the space I am in with some of these lower astral entities. Sometimes they present just as human consciousness entities - and sometimes they present as malevolent human consciousness entities bringing significant life resistance.

People are supposed to have natural spiritual protection in the form of the "aura", which is a kind of soul organ surrounding the body in a large egg-shape with different layers and functions. Sometimes the strong outer membrane of the aura becomes compromised, and a person may then be subject to disturbance by lower entities or energies.

There are a few books out there on psychic protection, and many webpages given to psychic protection and keeping safe regarding what belongs to the spirit reality - but, the big question is, what are you supposed to do when your psychic protection is compromised, you are open, and you have spiritual intrusion?

I think it comes down to a few things. For me, this is a "work in progress", I have not recovered my health yet.
You can try shamanic healing for "extraction" work to remove intrusive entities as an intervention.
You can try aura work from spiritual healers to repair the aura.
You can get spiritual development (for example at a spiritualist church) to learn how to close down your psychic perception and not be open all the time.
You can stay "grounded" in the Earth energy, and in your body awareness.
You can practice spiritual hygiene by staying away from hospitals, cemeteries, mortuaries and churches, and keep away from recreational or psychedelic drugs (as drugs can harm the aura and open you).
You can look at healing your conscious and subconscious self and keeping your emotions and awareness bright and happy, and love your way into evolving through shadow places in your life experience.
You can take care what you think about, so that you increase that which you love and not that which  makes you unhappy (according to metaphysical laws). Focus on bringing good into your Life, avoid worrying about health.
You can not waste your energy by loving intruding entities or counselling them in what is good - if it doesn't help in the beginning, stop.
You can take care not to befriend entities occupying space in your conscious awareness, even if you feel like they deserve to be treated with respect (they may be changeable in temperament, like mine, but do not trust them to be your friends).
You can go through exorcism through traditional religious routes (but those faith leaders may have less esoteric knowledge of what is troubling you spiritually and how to overcome it).

If you see a faith healer/spiritual healer, exercise caution in who you choose.
Some may be lying about what they can do for money or power or respect.
Some may believe they can help when they are deluded.
Some may say they can help when they can't because they don't have the knowledge or practical experience.
Some will know how to help and will do so.

Beware of people who say they are healers but say they have no psychic awareness.
Beware of paying a lot of money for a healing or courses of healing.
Beware of what seems like a "magic fix" and instant miracle cure.
I would also say that remote entity release is something to beware of.

Also, last year I saw a healer who was set up to work as a professional shamanic practitioner offering to perform spirit release, and I came away with an extra spirit consciousness entity attaching with me! It  must have been that she was more of a beginner on her path, and unaware that she herself had entities near her, perhaps a few.

Anyway, enough scary ideas, but there are many writers out there on the internet talking about spiritual intrusion and spirit release. This would be a spiritual health issue. This issue has also gained attention of psychologists (eg Dr. William Baldwin), who have used hypnosis to communicate with attaching entities and then release them to the Light. I also saw a Youtube video which featured the testimony of an anonymous American hospital psychiatrist who was scientifically convinced that he had patients having objectively real communication with unseen consciousness entities.
Of course, you can do your own research on this. I am open to questions in the comments section of this blog, which I can answer according to my personal life experience knowledge.

Good luck! And all blessings to you on your path of spiritual health, peace, Light and happiness.

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