Saturday, 12 May 2012

Dark Days

Don't forget that God is a wonderful Intelligence, far greater than ours. If what we call God, or Deity, or Spirit, or Universe is truly greater than us in intelligence, then we should not question that being in its chosen inaction to defend us in spiritual matters, for example, no matter how hard we pray.

I like the words of Jesus to Paul, recorded in 2 Corinthians chapter 12 verse 9. Paul had complained to Jesus about a cause of pain, and Jesus said "My grace is sufficient to you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." I take this to mean that we should let ourselves relax and go with the flow. We must raise our minds to what really matters, which is an awareness that we are in God's Grace. Better than fighting things is to raise our minds to God. Sometimes we are the weak ones, and we benefit most by being meek rather than fighting.

Also, I realized, and am still realizing, darkness of morale is lifted by being aware of the purpose of your life, through intuition, or knowing from study, or from reminding yourself what you are here for; you can improve your morale by living with purpose/ following God's will for all of life, - those high good ideals that we must sometimes remind ourselves of.
I am still realizing how important it is to live with purpose, to live without any despair, and I am still working on it.

What helps you to overcome low morale? I invite you to leave a comment on this page to help us all.

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