Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Telepathy... And Psychic Well-Being

Of all the symptoms I have, to do with apparent parapsychic problems, issues to do with telepathy must be the least credible, I imagine. It's a grey area. But really, it shouldn't be.

Sanaya Roman's Orin (a channeled spirit teacher) says that telepathy is normal, part of everyday life.
If you hear spirit voices, that's happening through telepathy. Mental voices need not be feared as unreal. And having that active intuition may even save a person's life, like it did Doreen Virtue, the famous "angel lady".

If I say that I am afraid sometimes that watching television I might be broadcasting telepathically to the people on the screen, you might instantly find that incredible...

I have way too much psychic energy, I feel a 'compression' of energy around my head, and it seems to come from the troubling spirit who pays attention to me. I'd like to briefly analyse the thoughts this being causes me - he (it appears to be a young man) seeks to injure me through inducing pronounced feelings of shame, and through causing me aversion, or 'dislike' by raising unpleasant ideas in my mind. But he does not stop there. He  also causes me telepathic broadcasting in an attempt to spread the kind of psychic energy that injures, a darker energy that is toxic. I had never come across any corroboration of this conscious psychic pollution until recently, when I read an article on psychic attack at http://www.learn-psychic-powers.com . I was amazed! And pleased. All I need now is a doctor who believes in the possibility of thought disturbance by deceased discarnate people (who all have enhanced psychic abilities (- don't just take my word for it, look it up, if you like)); I also would like to find an effective spiritualist healer who can restore my positive vibration, personal mental space and mental peace through exorcism/ spirit release.
In this article on telepathic broadcasting, found here, the author says that "There are people who act as nodes for the broadcasting of negative energies." - Well I am one of them, not through my own intention, but through a psychic override, or commandeering of my telepathic faculties. I will tell you that this psychic pollution going out of me is so bad that for the sake of  my karma I limit myself from watching live concerts, plays, radio and a lot of TV and music. Otherwise, vulnerable people get their vibration lowered by some very dark energies coming through me. It doesn't help either that a lot of media is darker in its energy. There is a lot of satirical humour in the world at the moment, and it can be quite poisonous - this amplifies any toxic psychic transmissions, I find. It is fairly unusual to find entertainment with clear, warm-hearted energy, but congratulations to the originators of such entertainment, where they do exist.

Telepathy is not itself bad. It is only interference with our psychic abilities by discarnate people that is bad.

I really feel that the ones watching over me and disturbing me are very angry, very angry indeed. I must have done something to cause offense, but I don't know what. There is real evil coming through, and it feels like a 'vendetta'. And what does come through also acts as a window for even worse energies to occasionally come through.

We are sensitive beings. And some of us are more sensitive - and more vulnerable - than others. Which is why I'm writing this apparently 'fantastic' story, and why you are reading it. That's a powerful point: we are all sensitive, and some of us are more sensitive and vulnerable as well.

I read a brilliant article on shielding recently. I find the spirits do not like me shielding or grounding (that is, those spirits of ill-will or selfishness). This article advised shielding very regularly for up to three months and more. The information was given by a spiritual teacher who is popular in the Western world, who is called Osho. You can find the article here. Talk about credibility! Now we have a master talking about picking up others' energies, and thus experiencing suffering! And there is a way to deal with it too, through psychic shielding - which is essentially encouraging the aura to be stronger in its self-defense function.

Also, to illustrate the point being made here, I refer you to a video at youtube of the fourth generation clairvoyant and doctor of psychology Doreen Virtue advising of how we can clear ourselves of dark energy - which she says can come from our own heavy thoughts, or from the heavy thoughts of others, in the manner of direct psychic contagion. This is the video below. Watch it if you believe in angels as well.

Another point is that some people are bound to have issues with telepathy and telepathy being conscious. And yet still there may be a question of truth in it, to the effect that what you think may be happening still might not be real but coming from delusion. That's a necessary supposition to make.

For now, it seems, my experience is still in the paranormal, and will also not find credibility from mainstream psychiatric doctors. They are mostly likely to diagnose schizophrenia, as they have done. From my own experience, I say that it is possible to have both schizophrenic and parapsychic experience, alongside each other. I will try and take clozaril, even though I don't think that the pain-causing problems I am having on a mental level are objectively unreal. I think, just as with spiritualists of clairvoyant or clairaudient ability there is something special happening in the brain to permit extra-sensory perception, with me there is also something going on in the brain that the clozaril may address - although it is real extra-sensory perception. Hopefully it will close a neural gateway that is permitting the negative relationships I have with some people in spirit.

Lastly, I am also trying a self-clearing Mp3 from a website called www.holisticmakeover.com. I downloaded their Spirit Detox track, which walks you through relaxation and invocation of higher powers to clear away undesirable energies and do spirit release. No immediate results, but it's there if I wish to use it. It gives me hope, too, that as I continue to use it, it will work. Obviously I'm still very much a believer in the spiritual and the paranormal - unlike Western-style mainstream psychiatry, which has a strongly materialist perspective with no tools to measure extra-sensory phenomena. The best I can do about it all is not be resentful or angry! And to keep on looking for health.

1 comment:

  1. A "transpersonal psychologist" would be able to help you subdue this stuff. Good luck friend:

