Monday, 20 February 2012

Spirituality Reality, Schizophrenia Diagnosis and Cultural Norms

Diagnosed with schizophrenia today, the doctor said that she had to think of my relation to spiritual cultural norms when making the diagnosis. Which is funny (!), because she didn't know anything about the spiritual reality, it seemed. She didn't know what "psychic" means.

I think, in my country at least, that non-religious people outnumber those who are active members of religious communities. Of those who do attend religious ceremonies, a smaller percentage will have spiritual awareness of some kind, and a smaller percentage again will have problems from their awareness (such as empathic issues, even ordinary issues of psychic attack) - and then a tiny minority will suffer from demonic possession, ghost attachments and demonic attack/ spiritual attack.

In other words, most people know nothing of this kind of reality painfully raised as a problem here on Diagnosis: Schizophrenia!!!!!!!!!!! It's not a spiritual awareness, ESP or parapsychic community norm! Good luck trying to get many healers to believe you! (I'm sorry, but I've come to the belief that many professional healers are not strong enough to deal with advanced psychic attack like this, not even to recognise it or believe in it often.) Religiously speaking, I believe it would take about seven Christian bishops 'laying their  hands' on me to restore me to health; that's the kind of power required here (guessed going on feel and experience). If I ever recover by myself I'll be as strong as seven bishops...

And here's another post item, but I'll wrap it into this one: ignorance is only a small excuse when it comes to spiritual danger.
I was raised in a religious family, but one without any notion of spiritual techniques for well-being, and consequently, I had no idea of spiritual dangers - like acquiring the attention of transient spirits, like the possibility of over-spiritualisation by drug use, like psychic pollution. Part-knowledge of spirituality was handed to me.
The fact is that we are expected by Heaven and God to look after ourselves in part - we have some responsibility for our psycho-spiritual well-being. This may be as simple as shielding the aura three times daily with white light. We could go on to spiritual grounding, and then on to energy chakra maintenance, depending on our personal need. These subjects are all covered in psychic development, and with luck we can find out for ourselves about these things as and when we need to.

I'm really going on something I read, that each of us is expected to do our bit to maintain our psycho-spiritual well-being, which goes a long way to helping God and Heaven help us. But that's a great thing. At least then we know, and can answer some of our feelings, that it is partly up to us to care for ourselves.

In the first place, ideally, be knowing. In the second place, take care of yourself.

So, I now know about the spiritual dangers of drug-taking (I suppose mainly for sensitive people). And I know that there are methods for generating a positive energy for oneself, and going on from there to purify the self if necessary. I am not helpless, I can help myself.

Here's a theory to leave you with: that some parts of the 'civilised' world, although they are becoming rapidly more spiritual, are lacking in the cultural 'apparatus' (spiritual beliefs and techniques) to always ground the new energy that spirituality brings them, resulting in insanity and spiritual disturbance for some. What do you think?


  1. Hi there,

    I'm about your age (31). I was born in an atheistic family, never brought to church or anything, and within the last several years, from about 28 to 31, have found myself having what some might call mental downtime from which I've now recovered. I did it without any help, but there was a lot of down-time. Health professionals might call it a "depression" but it was more of a growing-up mentally.

    It coincided with leaving one girl for another, and failing a graduate degree in science at age 28, which I had little interest in. In hindsight, what I was actually suffering from was 1) a lack of being self-aware, 2) perspective aka awareness of the world and life (including the possibility of the spiritual). I basically wasn't conscious of what the world was, my little place in the big picture, and the implications of dying one day. I had a rather negative, severely skeptical, cynical personality ... I wasn't a very positive person.

    Anyways, part that down-time included sitting in my house and having the walls creak, and lights crack, in synchronicity with my self-talk/inner voice. As a scientist and previous atheist, I had little idea of what to make of it... and all I can think of in hindsight was that it was this "spirit" crap everyone else in the world seemed to believe in. I have no religion to go with the "spiritual experiences" and I don't care to have any. In any event, I have to say how profoundly helpful those experiences were in pulling my mind out of its solipsistic, spiritless, lack of awareness/cognitive dissonance state.

    Reading some of your stuff here, I want to recommend you don't get carried away with your pathway. The "voices" you here, might just be your own voice, but that's not to say there's isn't something "spiritual" happening at the same time.

    The famous scientist Dr Carl Jung had similar experiences. Pull out of it one day friend.

    1. Hi Sam,

      Thank you for the comment - and thanks for the good will! Sounds like you had a very transformative experience. I changed so much when I fell ill around 12 yrs ago - but in a positive way. My character changed; I had not always been 'good' in adolescence, but that kind of fell to the wayside. So I can identify with that changing. Personal rebirth is a wonderful thing!

      It's difficult to interpret what happened to you in your quiet house - but I believe in the possibility/reality of synchronicity, we are after all a part of Nature and not separate from it, and who knows? "God moves in mysterious ways", someone once said (- and God, who is everything, does not prefer words to communicate). I was going to recommend you read up on Jung, who brought us the word synchronicity, but I see you already know about him.

      PS don't worry about me and the pathway I'm on too much - I have people (eg doctors and nurses) taking care of me, and they will try me on a powerful new medicine very soon (August 2012).

      In terms of your beliefs, I would say go ahead and respect what has happened to you (in terms of special events), especially as accepted scientific beliefs systems common to our time are pointedly NOT spiritual, and are therefore turning a blind eye to the world; I say they have a half-minded concept of reality.

      I think you have changed for the better, and it is truly fortunate for you that this has happened earlier in life: may you have many many years of happiness to come.

      Thanks again for your comment, and good will. I do do an awful lot of 'pulling myself out of it', and have robust hope for my future happiness.

      Mr. S.

    2. Thank you Mr S

      You're a very intelligent person. You should pursue a degree in psychology and perhaps medical psychiatry ... become a "wounded healer" so to speak. The world needs more spiritual scientists. You'll learn the scientific method that way, and judicial, logical thinking; for example, despite 30 years of widely available sound and video recording technology, there has not been one signle piece of credible evidence to support the existence of the supernatural/God. But I for one, now know that 'Something' exists ... and the greatest, most fascinating challenge science will face in the 21 century will be describing and documenting what that "Entity/Consciousness in Nature/Cosmic Consciousness/God" etc really is.

      I think the other ace up my sleave, with my story, is that I have great friends who've kept me on the level over the years. My father made it a point not to move the family, and as such, the same people I had my diapers changed with at the local babysitters, and went to kindergarten school with, are my friends today. Together we've done innocuous drugs like shrooms, weed, bit of coke ... which each had a helpful impact on our psychology over the years I think, and we had fun doing it!

      Thanks for your kind words, and good luck with everything. At least in your case now, you know the drugs are coming from a good dealer ;) Cheers brother

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