Saturday, 12 November 2011

More On Psychic Development

If you do not feel yourself or are having trouble closing down, this will likely mean that you have to clear your energy from unwanted foreign energies. This can be done by taking a salt water bath, burning dry sage leaves or visualising being in a waterfall, or standing in a powerful sunbeam or rainbow, for example. Lighting a candle and saying some prayers will also help purify you energy. This is called clearing! It puts you back in touch with yourself and your strength.

Another important method of psychic development is 'grounding', which is keeping a close energetic connection to the Earth. The Earth feeds us energy coming up through our feet and up through our legs, and the Earth also takes away excess or unwanted energy through a cord that comes from the base of the spine that goes down deep into the Earth. There are many famous meditations to help with grounding, such as imagining plant roots coming from one's feet and going deep into the ground. You can also see your grounding cord as a thick tree trunk going all the way to the centre of the Earth. If you are not very good at visualising, for some reason, then foster a relationship with the Earth in practical ways. Go outside and touch the ground, and think of the Earth with affection. All of this gives us strength. Remember the Earth beneath you!

Closing down was covered in the last post. This involves mentally closing the chakras apart from the base, red chakra. A simple way to do this is to imagine all the chakras closing, and then work with a dim, flickering red flame in your imagination, which you associate with your base chakra.

Finally, shielding. This is merely to strengthen your natural defences by imagining being surrounded by bright light. This helps minimise any disturbing energetic influences that come your way. It need not be done in a spirit of fear, no more than you would fear the rain when putting on a raincoat. I read that shielding yourself a few times a day brings the best results.

A good sequence of activity could be






There. There are some basic skills of psychic development. I wish someone had told me these ten years ago and said these skills were IMPORTANT and CAN HELP. You've just learnt some very valuable information in only about ten minutes.

Clearing reduces interference.

Grounding strengthens your energy

Shielding minimises intrusions by unwanted energies

Closing down filters out the spiritual, as desired.

This is valuable information, and will certainly help anyone involved in spiritual warfare for God.

I have known about all these things for some time, but have only just realised the importance of them. It will take some time to integrate their benefits, but they are tried and trusted methods. Two days ago, I was out in a town, and practising staying grounded, clear and closed down. I had a tiny breakthrough experience! I spoke to a ticket inspector on the train, and for the first time, I was strong and grounded. I sounded healthy and benevolent. Spirituality was there, and power was there, and health was there, all in my voice. I was expressing a tiny bit of my true self, for the first time in a very long time. (If you are used to having interference acting on your persona and thoughts and expression, you will know how valuable that is.)

Thank you for reading. Go forth and be lucky, be happy, be healthy - and be good! And don't be afraid.


  1. This will be my last commentary as I must return to job hunting (currently on EI). Men need spiritualism at some point. The trouble is it's viewed as "feminine/womanly", so you don't really want to be seen searching for It. The Catholic Church priesthood is all male for a reason, most protestant clergy are male, so are the religious patriarchies of Judaism and Islam.

    You've been through quite a lot, and I'm sure it's been painful; slowly but surely, stop seeking 'It'. Start watching late night comedy shows (like Conan O'Brien, David Letterman, Craig Ferguson), etc, and other comedies. You're a strong man, with a good mind. You deserve to have a productive, rewarding life, with a solid career and family. Keep up the good fight brother.

  2. Thanks Sam, thanks very much. Spirituality ain't so bad - yes sometimes it's a place where humility and vulnerability coincide, but what does that mean? It's up to each of us to deecide.

    "Slowly but surely, stop seeking 'It'."... Thanks for that. Because of the level of intrusion and unrest, the syndrome can become all-exclusive in commanding attention. It really serves, I have come to realise, to lay the whole problem aside sometimes for peace and at least to salvage contentment from life, - I do have reasons to be happy.

    I know what you mean about watching down-to-earth, cheerful TV. I can sort of manage to watch despite the things that go on in my mind for me when I do (appearance of telepathy being forced from me), but I don't like the content all the time, it can seem a bit 'raw' in its humour. I have become quite sensitive in my humour.

    Funny, your words "Keep up the good fight" are very poignant and meaningful - you have to do things in a certain way to heal a conflict, fight the GOOD fight, not add poison to the world and your enemy. Thanks again!

    Thank you a thousand times for your good will and brotherliness! Indeed, I hope to have a productive, rewarding life.

    Yours sincerely,

    Mr. S
