Sunday, 20 November 2011


It seems that my drawings page is very popular! Even more popular than my highest ranking post, by far!

I had three drawings on the drawings page, and have now added a further seven. I noticed that on Google, an image search for "schizophrenia drawings" is very popular. It was a nice feling to se my pictures down around page 23! Wow. It makes you feel valued. Nice.

The drawings I just put up are mostly from my initial breakdown 10 years ago. And they do suggest a little bit what it was like. But I see them as being very creative, and they are very special for me, as I had never done anything like that before. I think they are good.
At that time I was unmedicated, and unknown to the health services, very very delusional, hallucinating and suffering. But still enjoying drawing. It was something I really enojyed - but the initial outpouring of creativity ran dry after a while - I guess I exhausted it (probably due to drug use). Within a couple of years however, I was drawing again as a form of enjoyment or relaxation, with a similar artistic vision, but less creative energy, under the calming, clarifying effect of medication.

Well if you are interested, take a look at the drawings page. Enjoy!

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Extraordinary Health

It occurred to me that:
the solution to extraordinary health difficulties can only be to create extraordinary health.

Today I am doing this in a number of ways. I am wearing a religious medal, a physical item bearing the symbolism of spiritual health and happiness; I am also wearing around my neck a psychic tool of vibrational medicine, incorporating special crystals of the Earth; thus I am invoking two kinds of 'magic' - the magic of positive meaning in the medal and the magic of positive subtle healing influence given by the crystal.

I have been following my bliss today (and working), and have felt as good as on any birthday!

I have been reading an excellent book called "How to Heal Toxic Thoughts" (by modern world health guru Sandra Ingerman), and reflecting on health. (Certainly I got myself into a toxic position, and must work hard to work my way out - did you know this is a process of spiritual alchemy?, processing heaviness within to goodness? My heaviness currently seems to come very much from earthbound spirits I am open to). I realised that on Earth, part of our higher purpose is to make relaxation the name of the game, a kind of detachment that allows us to be graceful with others and good tempered and happy. This is true wealth, I decided. Emotional richness, emotional generosity, and emotional goodness. This is love and peace. (That is one big insight for me!!) What I have to do is clear up mind, to purify what would otherwise be polluted, for my sake and for the good of all. And the basis of this is emotional well-being.
I have made a short space clearing ritual, with holy music and the burning of holy dried plants, which ritual I commenced with a ringing bell sound from tingshas, and I chanted and put on my special crystal pendant. The feelings this summoned were immensely rewarding to me as I did this, it felt like a Sunday after attending a church service! Happy and light.

I have also imagined a pillar of light in each palm, one meeting my body at my forehead, one at my chest and one entering my system at my solar plexus. I gave each point of light a letter that spelt out the Hebrew name of Jesus the Healer of God. Later I visualised this again with each big beam of light in a triangular shape surrounded by a thin circle of light. This was good to me because I remember well having a dream in which Jesus and a number of assistants appeared in the 'place' I was through a portal in the form of a triangle of white light. The light visualisation I made was intended as a powerful means of aligning with positive energy on all levels.

I have also been taking flower essence for radical spiritual health, including the Australian Bush Essences Fringed Violet and Angelsword. I think they are doing something for me. Minimum 4 drops 4 times a day!
I have also been working with a powerful mantra. This is "Everyone loves me, and I love everyone." This is the spiritual reality, truly! Anything else is illusion! Through all the trouble that has been or is or will be, this is the underlying fact. And God only made one type of people, in His image, not two sorts (good people and bad people). This I thought today, and felt better for it.

So, this is a day in the life of a spiritual warrior and "field parapsychologist"! And an honest account of positive steps taken for health and the helpful thoughts that have occurred to him.
In conclusion, to remedy extraordinary difficulty, we must create extraordinary health.

Good luck in your metaphysical journey to an awareness of the health in you that God made.

With best wishes from Mr. S.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

More On Psychic Development

If you do not feel yourself or are having trouble closing down, this will likely mean that you have to clear your energy from unwanted foreign energies. This can be done by taking a salt water bath, burning dry sage leaves or visualising being in a waterfall, or standing in a powerful sunbeam or rainbow, for example. Lighting a candle and saying some prayers will also help purify you energy. This is called clearing! It puts you back in touch with yourself and your strength.

Another important method of psychic development is 'grounding', which is keeping a close energetic connection to the Earth. The Earth feeds us energy coming up through our feet and up through our legs, and the Earth also takes away excess or unwanted energy through a cord that comes from the base of the spine that goes down deep into the Earth. There are many famous meditations to help with grounding, such as imagining plant roots coming from one's feet and going deep into the ground. You can also see your grounding cord as a thick tree trunk going all the way to the centre of the Earth. If you are not very good at visualising, for some reason, then foster a relationship with the Earth in practical ways. Go outside and touch the ground, and think of the Earth with affection. All of this gives us strength. Remember the Earth beneath you!

Closing down was covered in the last post. This involves mentally closing the chakras apart from the base, red chakra. A simple way to do this is to imagine all the chakras closing, and then work with a dim, flickering red flame in your imagination, which you associate with your base chakra.

Finally, shielding. This is merely to strengthen your natural defences by imagining being surrounded by bright light. This helps minimise any disturbing energetic influences that come your way. It need not be done in a spirit of fear, no more than you would fear the rain when putting on a raincoat. I read that shielding yourself a few times a day brings the best results.

A good sequence of activity could be






There. There are some basic skills of psychic development. I wish someone had told me these ten years ago and said these skills were IMPORTANT and CAN HELP. You've just learnt some very valuable information in only about ten minutes.

Clearing reduces interference.

Grounding strengthens your energy

Shielding minimises intrusions by unwanted energies

Closing down filters out the spiritual, as desired.

This is valuable information, and will certainly help anyone involved in spiritual warfare for God.

I have known about all these things for some time, but have only just realised the importance of them. It will take some time to integrate their benefits, but they are tried and trusted methods. Two days ago, I was out in a town, and practising staying grounded, clear and closed down. I had a tiny breakthrough experience! I spoke to a ticket inspector on the train, and for the first time, I was strong and grounded. I sounded healthy and benevolent. Spirituality was there, and power was there, and health was there, all in my voice. I was expressing a tiny bit of my true self, for the first time in a very long time. (If you are used to having interference acting on your persona and thoughts and expression, you will know how valuable that is.)

Thank you for reading. Go forth and be lucky, be happy, be healthy - and be good! And don't be afraid.

Wow Super Important Post On Psychic Development...

This has to be one of the most important posts on the Diagnosis:Schizophrenia! blog. I have realised something that I knew before, but not as clearly as I do now. I am about to present some very important information for help with psychological well-being for those whose minds are exposed to the world of spirit and who are suffering irritation and injury because of that.

Well, you know that you are here on this blog looking for information and affirmation about your condition. If you are as described above, to use the common word for it, "psychic" - if you are psychic and feel yourself to be under attack, that is, you are suffering in some way because of other people through your psychicness, then listen to this.

You are psychic, you are under attack... the solution is to be not psychic, and not under attack - but how is that possible? The answer is known to all people who are initiated, or 'knowing' in psychic development. Perhaps someone is strongly psychic and they do not wish to hear the voice of spirit and work non-stop for spirit all day long. - So much for the psychicness. But perhaps you are psychic, and 'initiated' (having special education), and you wish to be safe, knowing that the spirit world can be as dangerous as the Earth in places, where there are people with anger and hostility, - what do you do?

I will now tell you what you need to do. If you wish to search in a search engine for more information on this, use terms like "closing down", and "Spirit" (put spirit in to help with the search). There are people out there who know more than I do about this - for some of them, it's their job, if they are mediums.

Being psychically exposed to interactions with the world of spirit is normal. It is called being open to spirit, and it is essential for those who wish to know more about Heaven and God, and who wish to work for Heaven, perhaps communicating for them to loved ones on the Earth. It is being psychic.
But I know, and you may know, what it is like to be made restless and to be psychologically injured by spirits, who are really dead people who exploit their new powers being in the world of spirit to attack the healthy on Earth. Strange as this may seem, it is so; this can happen. Like little children playing at Halloween time, putting on devil masks to scare another, these ones are forgetful of their nature, and absorbed in play, albeit scary.

You, I, and maybe millions of people on Earth, need to learn about psychic development. What happens is that we open up to spirit, we are naturally sensitive, or some trauma happens, or we waken with mental illness, or we take drugs - and we are not entirely conscious of the fact that we have woken up. (We may be very well acquainted with the facts of being open - such as sensory overload or a too-active mind, but we never identify the whole processes involved). We then get used to living open all the time.

Thankfully, there is an answer, and that is to close down again, thus shutting out unwanted spiritual activity. We can do this by visualisation, which is another word for imagination. What we need to do is close the chakras, the subtle portals that open with awakening and allow us to experience the world of spirit. There is no danger in this closing. It is perhaps easier if you read about chakras elsewhere. The key seems to be close the higher six main chakras, and to allow the base chakra to operate with a minimum of activity. What you need is a slight red glow to continue in the base chakra.

It will be quite hard for me to tell you everything here, but I feel I must give some detailed information now I have given such a big introduction on the subject!

There are many subtle energy centres, or "chakras" that maintain the life of the body and help feed our evolution by down stepping the cosmic light that fills the spiritual planes. The main chakras correspond to important glands in the body. The chakras are said to look like funnels or trumpet-like flowers, and they funnel into the person light of different colours. Briefly, of the main chakras, one goes upwards from the top of the head, and one goes downwards from the groin area. All the others are down the middle of the body, numbering five, emerging front and back in a corresponding position. There is a one at the forehead, one at the throat, one at the chest, one at the solar plexus, and one at the navel. We need to imagine all the chakras closing and becoming dim, except for the base which should still have a little (red) light showing. That is the very basics of closing down. Once it is done effectively, it will block out unwanted spiritual signals. You may also find benefit in prayer to a higher power to assist you in staying closed. Please think about looking elsewhere for information on "closing down", so that you are well-informed. I'm surprised that I was never told about this before by spiritual healers I have seen; they would talk about grounding, but not about closing down. The nearest I got was a clue from one healer, who happened to observe that I was "too open."

Lastly, I have found that spiritual teachers recommend closing down after any spiritual activity, such as meditation, or healing work. That way we stay safe and sound.

It's been a long time for me to get this important information, and now I have it, I will begin to work with it. Who knew this was actually a blog about psychic development! Amazing.