Those of you who grew up in the eighties in America or Europe may be (dimly) familiar with the concept of Dream-sharing, from a TV programme. The "Fraggles" could share dreams if they fell asleep with their heads touching!
I have had experience vaguely like this - and doubtless you will have done too.
I very often have visions when I close my eyes, ever since I apparently blew my psychic senses open with cannabis! A lot of my psychic perceptions related to dream-sharing are through visions.
One night, staying with my brother, during a hard time of his life, I 'saw', during the night a brief vision of him walking the road to the place of execution that Jesus Christ walked: he was carrying a cross and obviously oppressed by heavy feelings. This vision symbolised his state of mind, and showed that while unconscious he had found refuge in the meaning of that journey to martyrdom, and was borrowing strength from Jesus in reliving that archetypal role.
That was an unusual occurrence for me. I had that vision, it cohered with the situation my brother was in, and I fit it within my experience as described, to mean that I had known his dream.
Spiritual teaching indicates that very often the spirit roams around once the body is asleep, usually navigating the astral planes.
There are supposedly many dimensions of experience, I read they number thirty in total, and Life as we know it is different in each dimension.
I have had visions of strange lifeforms, but with human personalities known to me 'attached' to them; - bear with me!! On the higher dimensions, it seems from these visions, as we float away towards God and increase in our power, we can create and evolve ourselves into anything, and my theory is that we do this to protect ourselves from psychological or spiritual threats, whether that be the astral form of the person who is your rival, or any manner of supposed threat. Presumably someone with a more disciplined and peaceful mind might merely experience Divine peace whilst in these higher dimensions.
This all sounds far-fetched, but it is quite certain to me, without a shadow of irrationality falling across it. These strange evolutions that I have seen on a few occasions indicate our great power as creative and evolutionary beings - in that light, these claims seem gloriously reasonable.
I have never read about such a reality of shape-shifting, these statements are purely based on first hand experience. Who knows the subconscious mind? Why not dream of being another life form?
Are you still reading?? I hope you are.
So if we 'move about' in spirit during our dreams, then we can meet up, and some of our dreams about other people must be real interactions. I remember reading about a certain person, and soon after I met them whilst dreaming and shook their hand. That person is now a spiritual friend of mine and is near me everyday as a friend and helper.
Doreen Virtue, the "angel lady" writes about how during dreamtime, very often our souls travel to Heaven for education, for life lessons; - I have had such dreams, whether they be art lessons, or discussions with peers about vegetarianism. Doreen also says that we can travel and interact with others to help them, giving our dreamtime to helping others through our wisdom and caring.
My favourite moments of 'dream-sharing' are those when I am awake, just slipped out of sleep, and I hear the voice of someone I know, whether mother, brother or friend, and they talk to me. It is clear that they are dreaming (somehow it's obvious, whether from the innocence in their voices or the loose, dreamy rationality of their speech). You realise that someone is paying attention to you on the dream plane. You get a sense of the deeper nature of that person, the goodness of their heart or their purity. Clearly these are occasions when I and another have been communing together on the dream planes, and then I wake up and through my own psychic gifts I am able to be aware of them still. However, I would not say that those others would be able to testify to the connection, since they normally sound as though they are asleep.
Once, falling asleep I had a vision of my mother as a child. This was after bed-time, so I believe she had fallen asleep - and slipped straight into the consciousness of her inner child, as a psychological safety mechanism, as an indication of where she is happiest, - or was happiest on that night. This was a profound moment, and gave insight into her psyche that cohered with how she expresses herself when she is awake.
Well, I don't know if you can 'buy' all that, but it comes from real psychic experience, and all of it goes to prove that truth is stranger than fiction, that "there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - That's not meant here as an insult, but as an invitation to open the mind. I emphasise again how all this comes from a calm and sober mentality! I know I'm not at fault in my thinking about these perceptions, and ask you to consider them real.
These perceptions make sense within a very grand reality of interconnectedness and power, and within a spiritual aspect of reality about which most may be unknowing.
I hope you have enjoyed these sharings on dream-sharing!
Mr S
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