Sunday, 21 November 2010

Too Open. Painfully Psychic Mind

I remember the exact turning point when I was walking down the street and thought others could know my thoughts. In Heaven this is probably normal, but there they are also filled with the highest love, God's Love. Here on Earth, this can be a very uncomfortable state...

My theory is this: a 'shell' of awareness becomes damaged or lost, so that it is more obvious what is going through one's mind. They say communication is telepathic, normally - you meet someone and you instantly connect with them; when you are too open, this connection is very uncomfortable, feels embarrassing and is subject to negative manipulation. (However, normally, telepathic connection occurs at a higher level than we can consciously know about).

For me, psychosis came about through use (or abuse) of cannabis. It's not all misdiagnosed psychicness in my situation. I have hallucinated and been delusional. This feeling of openness is common to people with schizophrenia, is a scientifically identifed symptom.
Knowing spiritual people claim that cannabis 'turns off the aura'. I have previously stated that the biofield around every being acts to a degree to preserve positive energetic awareness, so when it is disabled, of course we will be subject to spiritual manipulation and negative spiritual interactions, if we have the luck to attract that. The aura has different layers, commonly called 'bodies'; there are different bodies affecting the different parts of body and mind. I think perhaps some damage occurs to the mental body around the head to create this painful openness (telepathic openness); or perhaps it is a question of the aura not functioning as it usually does, or not being grounded enough (not strong enough in its connection to the Earth).

Also, in my experience, openness is maintained by the connection I have with malevolent spirits. I believe that if I was at peace with them, the openness would go away. I would feel more comfortable in public, I would feel 'normal' around others. They act like an obstacle blocking a door open and keeping it from shutting.

It must be there is a shell of awareness, as I have stated, that keeps us from being bombarded by telepathic messages, and keeps our thoughts private (although in a semi-permeable way, being open to the Light and the agents of Light in Heaven).
It is this shell of awareness that the malevolent spirits try and break through in attempting to force telepathic awareness between me and others, often intiating sudden psychic awareness, and with the sole intention of causing distress. This does, I know, require a leap of faith, for most. Telepathy and interference with telepathic abilities and ordinary awareness. This is the furthest edge of the paranormal, then! I can explain, but here, it's hardest to believe!

This hostile psychic influence is like forced penetration. It violates privacy and the right to peace. The spirits who are causing this are forcing connection between their mind and mine, or in three ways, between their mind and my mind and that of another or others. On some level it must bring them peace to be within this enclosure of intimacy, it must make all things right with them, allowing them to feel safe and normal. It is the psychology of intrusion and super-control playing out. On some level, they are displaced, and can only feel whole by displacing another and residing in their place.

Furthermore, open awareness means openness to psychic pollution, not only actively from the lower spirit realms in the form of spirit attack, but in ambient ways, since outside the aura there is a degree of psychic pollution, both from the lower spirit realms and surrounding the Earth. It is said that the negative thoughts and emotions that people have surround the earth like smog, slowing the evolution of all life on Earth and causing harm. Perhaps the feeling of not being in grace - of being cursed - comes from openness, from connection with beings living in energetic pollution, constantly channelling feelings of discontent into my mind.
New Age teachings say that people now are being called on to practise mental hygiene for the good of all, to monitor their thoughts and feelings and keep them 'positive', that is, loving, rather than fear-based. Actually, part of my day-to-day responses to spirit intrusion is strict mental hygiene, is ensuring I do not upset my energy further by engaging in negative thinking. I try to use positive language in speaking and thinking, and I try not to harbour negative emotions. I keep my mind clean with affirmations and prayer. Actually, all the 'mental hygiene' is quite an effort, - it could seem overly fussy or obsessive, but it bears great fruit in keeping my mind stable, making things easier.

So what else can I write about telepathic openness? This: it is like we are in a world where we have forgotten the facts and live in our beliefs, such as they are. Is there ultimately anything wrong with being naked? If we 'dream' that nakedness is bad, we will be distressed if we are made to be naked. We choose shame, when if we were knowing we would choose peace. Enforced nudity is different though, in that there is the aspect of injury and violation of the individual will, and how should we deal with that? It is the same as with any crime: with compassion, with forgiveness as much as we are able. There is a higher spiritual truth that we can access about this overriding of individual will, in forgiving the mistakes that another makes on their route of spiritual evolution, in mishandling us. The angels say we all stumble on the path, like little children, and God understands that.
Enforced mental nudity? This can only be because the ones who do the revealing were never comfortable with their own mental nudity, were never comfortable with their own thoughts and feelings, were never loving towards themselves for what went through their minds, and repeat this every time they seek to shame us by revealing our thoughts in forced telepathic connection with others and intruding into our space aggressively. They are not at peace with themselves. If you are at peace with your naked mind, show them how to be peaceful in the same way. This will be healing.

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