Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Imaginary Friends... Me And My Spirit Buddies

So, I have said that I co-habit with ghosts (unwillingly). One of these ghosts has a knack for speaking through my mouth occasionally, which annoys me. Not in conversation, but in reaction to things. (Another intrusion).

Sometimes I can laugh like my dad, if he's around and there's somethng he finds funny! (My dad has passed over). (Clearly I can't say he's dead, because he isn't!) This is one way I may know he's around - he doesn't always speak 'to' me and thus let me know he's there.

I must be a very absorbent kind of psychic person.

In this post I just wanted to say that I can seem to have imaginary friends. Imagine if your every thought is heard - including every humourous thought. Sometimes (quite often actually) I chuckle to myself because I'm sharing a joke with the world of spirit!
One of my neighbours at university thought I was more than eccentric because I could be heard laughing to myself very frequently (this was at a time when I my medicine was making me 'high' - I wouldn't want you thinking me 'more than eccentric'! ;)  ).

One time I was on the brink of bursting out laughing in an optician's treatment room, and a spirit friend mischievously tipped me over the edge into full hysterics! (I always have a real problem getting though eye tests - I don't like it when they come very close to my face to look in my eyes.. it always makes me want to laugh!)

But really, I have few friends in the outside world. I fell out of the social loop when I got ill, and because of my condition I find it hard to get on with others. When I'm alone (- or more properly 'alone') - there are ghosts to contend with who very often provide a focus for my attention, and there are also my friends from on High who come and visit out of love, in a spirit of service. So my mind is often busy when I am alone and my heart is satisfied for friendship.

I believe my health will improve. In another ten years or so, I may have a lot of friends again, as I did one day. I think in some time I will be ready to be natural with other people again, and be able to enjoy myself with others. I also have to find out who I am before then, and come out of the inner world more. But for now, I'm grateful for my 'imaginary friends'.

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