No, I'm not finished!
I'm a bit of a writer, and this blog has given me a strong will to write. I wish to write more!
I have a point here, that has arisen in earlier posts, but that I wish to emphasise.
The paranormal is unbelievable.
The paranormal is unbelievable. Society has evolved to see things more clearly through the eyes of science and has ditched overboard a number of superstitions and 'folk beliefs' - just imagine for a moment a system of psychiatry that worked around beliefs in ghosts and interfering spirits! (But that has already come about thanks to the works of spirit release psychiatrists using hypnotherapy). Moreover, the paranormal is unbelievable because it is by defintion beyond normal, a reference I suppose to the kind of normality bounded by frequency of occurence. A condition so rare it's reality is hard to believe.
Nothing rare about schizophrenia, though - 1 in 100 are supposed to get it.
I acknkowledge having had schizophrenic experiences and fiunctioning. I just wish I wasn't so unvalidated in the other kinds of experiences I have - yup, the paranormal ones.
Why can't schizophrenic people be mediumistic, like anyone else? (Mediumistic, ie able to pick up communciations from spiritual beings, and spiritual beings, ie beings not of our physical world discerned by five senses). There are two things here: one a belief in the possible of being mediumistic, and the other the belief in schizophrenic people being mediumistic, and the two of those beliefs taken together as reality would change scientifc thinking in psychiatry forever.
Strange: we have a blanket ban on voices as being a sign of insanity. Isn't that disrespectful of spiritualists? - What a conundrum - it's not disrespectful if you see it as a black and white reality.
I mention above being unvalidated. In my 'world' there is hardly anyone who wholeheartedly believes in my interpretation of my experience, a healer. He is a spiritual healer. In his world it is common - common - to be trained to remove souls of departed people that are disembodied and that have attached themselves to the energetic bodies of clients from where they can influence a person's mentality. Others are trained to go to houses and perform 'space clearing', which can involve a kind of exporcism whereby a spirit is helped to move on to their rightful place in the next world.
I'm getting angry. We have such disparity in our society - on one hand the many religions, which preach of good behaviour to satsisfy a spiritual God and teach of the existence of the soul and another spiritual world that we go to after death, and , the Christians, who have as part of their sacred scriptures the injunction to "cast out demons". I wish I could cast out demons. I'm sure those with NO spiritual sensitivity and NO paranormal experiences might insist that such passages be dismissed as superstition (just as science discounted the statements of rapid Creation of the Biblical passage Genesis).
- So on the one hand there is religion, talking of the soul and Heaven, and embarrassing smatterings of demonology, and on the other there is science that dismisses sensitivity as insanity.
"THERE ARE ONLY FIVE SENSES", my psychiatrist said. he didn't 'shout' in capitals, as I just did!, but you see what I mean. You get the point - they don't believe in it, not at all.
However recently, I said this to my psychiatrist in a review: "I hear the voices of my father, great uncle and others everyday, I hear ghosts around me [pleading almost] 'We're real'..." - a vivd imagination, he suggested was the cause of this. What about old-fashioned mediumisticness as an explanation? This world-view does not have an equal footing in our society. The doctor did, by way of compromise and keeping the peace take the conversation back to 'functionality', ie the extent to which I am able to interact with daily life as anyone else can.
I suppose the big problem for the doctor is the point at which my beliefs about 'mediumisticness' become beliefs about mental inteference, about spiritual beings interefering with my mind - then his ears prick up and he has to step in.
I acknowledge, from experience, that what I go through is paranormal even by the standards of some paranormalists. Being powerfullly telepathic and talking about interfence with that causes disbelief, though it's 'OK' in some company to hear voices that are unfriendly.
So eventually I'm left hearing voices I say are real and even not wholly feeling like I'm telling the truth, like I myself am unconvinced, and that, apart from being a state of psychic torment, is undesirable, because you feel alone. Except I'm not alone - I have many celestial friends who support me and buoy me up with their friendship; - it must be frustrating for them, because they see everything, and for them what I go through is perfectly rational.
I end this post with a wish - that there be more belief in the world, more open-mindedness towards what is unusual.
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