Friday, 2 October 2009


Diagnosis: Schizophrenia!

A blog for scientists, parapsychologists, and people diagnosed with schizophrenia who believe in the paranormal

This blog will feature the discussion of various perspectives of schizophrenia, as well as snaphsots from the Life of its writer.

As someone who has spent 10 years down the Schizophrenia Mines, and who begins more and more to emerge from those burdensome confines, the writer hopes that the blog-entries here will prove of value to the world-wide community. Welcome.


[If you have come to this blog looking for help with difficult parapsychic phenomena (trouble with spirits, painfully open awareness, and so on), you may wish to go directly to the post Solutions To Spiritual Attack: A Summary from 23 November 2010. This post represents my best efforts at present to put forward solutions to spiritual attack.]

I am interested in the science of my condition; I like to read online scientific articles about schizophrenia. However, I am also a reader of parapsychological literature. You will find that my world-view is validated more by 'parapsychology' than 'science'. See what you make of it. I wish this blog to help people - those in a position like mine, and those who study the science of schizophrenia.

In 2001 I was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. I don't deny that I have experienced psychosis, but on the other hand, I will argue that I also experience spiritual phenomena. I am very aware that mainstream western psychology can only count five senses, and is without a soul (without a soul that sees, hears or speaks).
This blog tells a true story: the posts you will find here give an honest account of my condition and express my real opinions. It as an anonymous blog, because of the way I imagine my beliefs would be received; however, in the everyday world, I am becoming more open to telling people about my diagnosis and history. - That's a good thing. On this blog I can sound as crazy as I like: I don't have to worry about the face you'll pull when I'm writing about my beliefs on 'evil' spirits and telepathy!
You are the privileged reader of what a person diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia really thinks. And as an educated, articulate writer, and a person with schizophrenia becoming quite lucid in their thinking as they recover, I hope you will take value from this blog of autobiography and opinions on a major mental illness.
The blog is quite serious in tone - and intention. It can be 'wordy' (I try not to be!) (It can also be less than lucid, as I try to pin down the vagaries of my opinions when it comes to some aspects of my inner goings-on.) It can be cyclical, repetitive, as I work through my preferred themes and become clearer on what I write - because this practise of blogging does bring me clarity. I might change my mind about what's real, right before your eyes! But, generally this blog has an intellectual approach to my "paranormal schizophrenia", examining information and arguing points with clarity.

I am writing now to fill out this introduction, and I would also say that after a year of blogging, I feel one of its purposes is nearly filled - to help people in my position. In this way, it reads like parapsychological literature. What do I hold is my position? Call it demonic oppression; call it psychic attack. I call it profound 'psychic' vulnerability, spirit attack. I call it having a mind too open to the world of spirit and suffering from the frequent harmful attentions of hostile spirit-people. But this condition is not without solutions, and I write about these, whether they be 'self-help' or the help of those whose full-time occupations it is to work as a medium between spirits and people.
And what about those whose full-time occupation it is to work with psyches? I am not ungrateful to them! Medication has seemingly removed my irrational thinking (such as delusions of grandeur, - thinking myself to be a demi-god, etc); the medication has stabilised me and pacified me, although it has never managed to shut down the inner 'hearing' I have.
I think I am now ready to stop taking the medicine. I would still like to write about this process of coming off medication (anti-psychotic medicine), as I am planning to live drug-free and would like to document that. I am beginning to scale down my dosage of medication, with the consent of my consultant psychiatrist.

I am aware that I sound insane in my beliefs on paranormal spirituality! But that is not far away from what some people think of all spirituality! Secondly, I realise that I may be off to a losing streak arguing for spiritual reality under a banner of a diagnosis of schizophrenia!! Really though, please keep an open mind about whether people can be mentally ill and simultaneously be psychic, with all that entails.

Thank you.

Mr. S.


To my readers,

Please feel free to leave comments throughout my blog to let me know what you think, if you agree with me or are helped by what I write. If you don't wish to, don't worry!
Thank you very much,

Mr. S.

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