Tuesday, 19 July 2011


Wow! Thank you voter number four! Thank you for voting.

It's a sad story when you only have four voters IN THE WHOLE WORLD on your blog poll...!!!

I know I have a significant readership, you folks from all around the world clicking onto the site to share in my opinion and knowledge, but you are largely reticent about sharing your own opinions! I encourage you to vote on the poll (on the right hand side of the page): do you believe that people can be claraudient? I'd love to get more votes.

Thank you,

Mr. S.


After over ten years of daily psychic warfare, resisting evil, I now feel like I can give guidance to others who may be going through the same thing. I know I have been doing so here on this blog, but now I feel I can answer specific questions on it. If you wish to leave me a question, put it in the comments here, or anywhere on this blog.

Spiritual Protection

I am now wearing every day a Christian religious medal. The specific symbolism of it is of Divine grace and the superiority of Divine power. It makes me feel happy and safe. I never had anything like this before, I mean I never wore a medal like this, not really comfortable with them, but with this one I am comfortable. I recommend you go to your own birth religion and find a strong symbol to wear if you are being troubled by beings of dark emotion.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Healing Review

I said that I would post a report of the healing session I last went for. Here it is.

The lady I saw was a psychic healer and medium. There was an introductory talk, and then I lay on a treatment bed. She put her hands on my shoulders, head and knees and stomach for about half an hour.

At the end she said that anything troubling me now would be 'residue' of former spirit presence. She said that three spirits had been 'escorted' away. One was stubborn, claiming to be the strong one, and she challenged him to go and he left. One was female, she said.

Here's what was happening for me: as she was talking afterwards, I sensed one of the two other spirits come and stand behind me, and he seemed to be a little afraid. I didn't want to say anything to the healer.

Walking back to get transport to go home, I felt stronger, but still not normal, mentally, not totally at peace or feeling secure.

Arriving home, one hour later, the third spirit, the female, came and said "Thank you."

What is the result of all this? The healer was experienced and I got on well with her, she had integrity and a kind nature. She cleared one soul who had been very hostile to me. The two others have come back and are with me again. This is still a good outcome, because the hostile one was really bothering me. He was seemingly hurting me for his own amusement, and very frequently. Still, I don't hold that against him, trusting that he has gone somewhere where he will be helped, and I leave it at that, no debts of karma for him to repay me.

So why did the other two come back? As I understand it, we always have free will, and that of course includes those who have died and are in spirit. Simply, these two spirits are happier with me and are not yet ready to ascend and go to God and Heaven. They must have broken away from their escorts before fully 'crossing over'.

Other spirits whose voices are familiar to me from before are around me - homeless souls who drift around, and some of them are filling the role of the persecutor, acting like "outlaws", ignoring all emotional responsibility, causing trouble and hurting me.

The lady also said that she spoke to my dad and told him not to feel guilty but to go on and get on with his evolution up in Heaven. This hasn't helped him interfering with my will to be creative: he disapproves of me playing the keyboard, which REALLY upsets me; he obstructed me again some days after seeing the healer - I asked him why and he said he didn't want me to waste my time.
The healer had said that he was still acting in the role of a father, protecting and helping, when he ought to be moving on from that behaviour to evolve. Wish he would! He's obviously still happy with that role. I'm mostly okay with it too, - he's my dad, but sometimes he's a clumsy guide and hurts me.

So would I recommend that anyone see an experienced psychic healer and medium? Absolutely. I am very glad that she successfully moved on one spirit. That's great, a real miracle, which has lifted my faith in healing. The spirit who left was a young man who was expressing unhappiness by causing unhappiness.
But I am also disapppointed that two spirits have come back, - although it would be worse if they were badly behaved, which they tend not to be. One (an elderly lady) is very moral; the other, who I am guessing is from the Punjab in Pakistan, since he can understand the language from that region that I have being sung on a CD (I did some detective work), is less moral but largely well behaved, and calls me his best friend. Obviously that's where the attachment comes from, he prefers my company to God's, seeing me as his closest friend. I respond to that call for closeness with benign reasoning, always encouraging them to move on. Let's not forget what was written in a previous post, that these people can evolve at any time, - they can go on to Heaven independently, if they choose - healers only provide encouragement and help.

Well, that's all folks. I would still like help from a psychic healer, but some good work has been done. I hope reading this helped you.