Friday, 5 March 2010


Hello World, I have more to write.

I have sometimes called the spirits that bother me demons. Not the spirits that are around me on the Earth plane - these lost souls are properly called ghosts, or as I like to call them, to humanise them, ghost people, or discarnate earthbound spirit people. I have called them demons who are spirits existing in the etheric realm (not the astral, where properly housed spirits are), who choose to bother humanity (bother me).

Well it's time to rename these bothersome etheric realm spirits.

Naming them'demon' alienates, pushes away; this is not what love does. Love heals and embraces. These are the spirits of people - or the one that bothers me is anyway. In a universe of love, only love can heal, only love can restore order.

The etymological origin of the word 'demon' is linked with the Greek 'daimon', which means 'master'. This made me think, although the troublesome spirit cannot dominate the essence of me, which I believe is divine and free (same as anyone else's), the 'master' can teach us. What am I learning from the master?

I have also compared this spirit (and it's allies) to the Japanese 'stablemasters', the educators of the sumo wrestlers, who sometimes beat their proteges to harden them and prepare them for combat. So the stablemaster are like harsh but useful teachers.

Again, what do they teach me? In simple terms, the spirit is like a 'bully', but a more pronounced kind, who uses all means to injure, with focussed intent and maximum force, a bully who watches over the mind and exerts force directly upon it. What does anyone learn from being bullied?

One thing one may learn from being bullied is the pattern, the tone, the ins and outs of bullying... which one could apply to others - a soul tragedy to do so. Sometimes I worry that my identity is eroded by this bullying process - do I occasionally lose my temper too quickly, through having faced the feeling of being helpless too long? Am I becoming harsh and insensitive myself through receiving cruel treatment? Perhaps there may come a time when I wish to be a bully, and the universe may test my nature then. Better to be a hero than a bully.

To be honest I'm not exactly sure what I learn from all this.
I know I gain heroism, but it's not an especial quality of mine, it's human nature; still it's good.
I also develop compassion for my enemy. I suppose this is an example of it. If compassion is love and understanding, then this is an example of it - not wishing to demonise the enemy!! - But wishing to be on the same level as them to heal the energy between us.

In metaphysical writing it is said that once you understand what you are learning from a pattern of experience, then you can release it. There must be something major I am learning, but I do not have the awareness to clearly identify it, not yet I don't.

So I conclude by affirming the spiritual view, that there is a God, that people can be attuned to the spiritual, that we have a soul and that life persists after death, and that we always have the freedom to do what we wish - whether in this world or the next, and whether we wish to do harm or good. May you all be safe from spiritual harm; and if you are not safe from spiritual harm, may you find a refuge and a hero who can heal you.